This script publishes results of Robot Framework in TestRail.
The standard process is:
Robot Framework execution => output.xml
=> This script => TestRail API
Tested with Python>=3.
Best use with virtualenv
(to adapt according your Python/OS version):
> virtualenv .
> Scripts\activate # Windows case
> pip install -r requirements.txt
To create the TEST_CASE_ID
you have the possibility to use the metadata or the test's tag, the priority is done to the tag and not the metadata
With Metadata:
If you want to create only one TEST_CASE_ID
for you test, use the following method:
Create a metadata TEST_CASE_ID
in your test containing TestRail ID.
Format of TEST_CASE_ID
is :
- Descriptor + an integer:
- An integer: 1234, 5678
*** Settings ***
Metadata TEST_CASE_ID C345
*** Test Cases ***
Test Example
In this case, the result of Test Case C345 will be 'passed' in TestRail.
With Tags:
If you want to create one or more than TEST_CASE_ID
for your test or tests use the following method:
Create a tag test_case_id=ID
in your test containing TestRail ID without a metadata TEST_CASE_ID
Format of ID is:
+ an integer:C1234
- An integer: 1234, 5678
Example one test:
*** Test Cases ***
Test 1
[Tags] test_case_id=1234 critical standard
Example more than one test:
*** Test Cases ***
Test 1
[Tags] test_case_id=C1234 critical standard
Test 2
[Tags] test_case_id=C5678 critical standard
Test 3
[Tags] test_case_id=C91011 critical standard
In this case, the results of Test 1 C1234 and Test 2 C5678 and Test 3 C91011 will be 'passed' in TestRail.
Example priority management:
*** Settings ***
Metadata TEST_CASE_ID C345
*** Test Cases ***
Test Example
Test 1
[Tags] test_case_id=C1234 critical standard
In this case, the result of Test Case C1234 will be 'passed' in TestRail and not C345, priority to tag and not metatdata.
Other examples
You can find more examples in test/examples
Create a configuration file (testrail.cfg
for instance) containing following parameters:
url =
email =
password = <api_key> # May be set in command line
Note : password
is an API key that should be generated with your TestRail account in "My Settings" section.
usage: [-h] --tr-config CONFIG
[--tr-password API_KEY]
[--tr-version VERSION] [--dryrun]
(--tr-run-id RUN_ID | --tr-plan-id PLAN_ID)
Tool to publish Robot Framework results in TestRail
positional arguments:
xml_robotfwk_output XML output results of Robot Framework
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tr-config CONFIG TestRail configuration file.
--tr-password API_KEY
API key of TestRail account with write access.
--tr-version VERSION Indicate a version in Test Case result.
--dryrun Run script but don't publish results.
Do not publish results of "blocked" testcases in
--tr-run-id RUN_ID Identifier of Test Run, that appears in TestRail.
--tr-plan-id PLAN_ID Identifier of Test Plan, that appears in TestRail.
# Dry run
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --dryrun --tr-run-id=196 output.xml
# Publish in Test Run #196
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --tr-run-id=196 output.xml
# Publish in Test Plan #200 and dont publish "blocked" Test Cases in TestRail
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --tr-plan-id=200 --tr-dont-publish-blocked output.xml
# Publish in Test Plan #200 with version '1.0.2'
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --tr-plan-id=200 --tr-version=1.0.2 output.xml
# Publish with api key in command line
python --tr-config=testrail.cfg --tr-password azertyazertyqsdfqsdf --tr-plan-id=200 output.xml