This ROS package contains node and nodelet imu data publishers for the Qualcomm FlightTM board.
Clone this repo into your catkin_ws on your flight board:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
rosdep install . --from-paths
cd ..
If you are using QFlight Pro, please follow build instructions here: QFlight Pro Buildi Instructions. You will also not need to run the rosdep install line.
Note that you will also need the snap_msgs package. snap_imu publishes snap_msgs/ImuArray messages. snap_imu puts on average 5 sensor_msgs/Imu into an array to make better use of bandwith with snap_vio. snap_imu is probably most useful in conjunction with snap_vio, but can also be run standalone:
roslaunch snap_imu imu.launch
Before running, however, an IMU server needs to be running on the DSP. This can either be SNAV or the imu_app. To run without SNAV, first start the imu_app, then run snap_imu:
sudo su
source /home/linaro/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
imu_app -s 2 & # if running on 8096, you will also need to add the -p 10 option to use the correct imu
roslaunch snap_imu imu.launch