I am involved in QA Automation and Manual Testing, and proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and C#. I also have experience in web scraping using tools like Zennoposter and BAStudio.
I am a seasoned QA Automation Engineer with over 6 years of experience in software testing and development. I possess strong problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and a knack for adapting quickly to technological changes. My expertise lies in the entire testing lifecycle, encompassing requirements analysis, test artifact creation, and the development of automation tests.
I am adept at crafting and executing test cases, generating bug reports using JIRA, and working with both relational and non-relational databases such as SQL, Postgres SQL, and MongoDB. My automation skills extend to UI testing using Selenium/Selenide with JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Java, as well as API testing using Refit/RestSharp/Rest Assured with JavaScript and Postman. I am familiar with frameworks like PlayWright, WebdriverIO, Cypress, RobotFramework, PyTest, and JUnit. Additionally, I have experience with source control systems like GitHub and GitLab, and bug tracking systems such as JIRA and TestRail.
- 💪 I like to write code
- 🥅 I am constantly learning new things
- 👀 I’m interested in difficult tasks
- ⚡ I love writing an article for https://artstroy.net/
- 🎉 Merged PR #4 in AZANIR/cypress-cucumber
- 💪 Opened PR #4 in AZANIR/cypress-cucumber
- Шпаргалка по Postman
- Управление версиями Node.js с помощью nvm в Windows
- Что такое CSS селекторы
- 11 главных трендов веб-разработки в 2020–2021
- Тернарный оператор в настройках BAS