Youtube Music Player on Electron+Vue.js
Warning: This application has not been tested on Linux and Mac systems. You can build the application yourself and send a issue or a pull request.
- Search for tracks
- Track control panel. (Sound change, timeline, etc.)
- History of the tracks (navigation on the buttons left and right)
- Audio Visualization
- Possibility to download a file (MP4 only)
- Refactoring
- Lyrics
- Caching MP3 files
- Information about the track, playlist, artist
- Manipulation with local playlists
- Settings
// install dep
npm i
// run test build (gulp vueify+electron .)
npm run dev
// build app for os
npm run build:all
npm run build:windows
npm run build:linux
npm run build:mac
Andrey Zhevlakov (@AZbang)
- Mail:
- VK
- Telegram