This role builds, installs and manages Slurm for HPC clusters.
This role has been tested on the following operating systems:
- Rocky9
Variable | Default value | Description |
slurm_version |
23.02.4 |
Slurm version |
slurm_build_rpm |
true |
Build Slurm RPMs |
slurm_src_url |
"'{{ slurm_version }}.tar.bz2'" |
Download url for Slurm source code |
slurm_calculate_checksum |
true |
Calculate checksum for slurm source code |
slurm_user_uid |
202 |
Slurm user UID |
slurm_munge_user_uid |
203 |
munge user UID |
pmix_version |
4.2.6 |
PMIx version |
slurm_build_pmix |
true |
Build PMIx RPMs |
pmix_calculate_checksum |
true |
Calculate checksum for pmix source code |
pmix_src_url |
"'{{ pmix_version }}/pmix-{{ pmix_version }}.tar.bz2'" |
Download url for Slurm source code |
Variable | Default value | Description |
slurm_createrepo |
true |
Whether this role should create and manage a RPM repository for Slurm |
slurm_rpm_repodir |
/var/www/html/slurm_repo |
Location for the slurm repository |
slurm_rpm_fetchdir |
'' |
Directory on the local machine where PRM's should be fetched into |
slurm_create_mungekey |
false |
Whether this role should create and manage the munge key |
slurm_mungekey_path_ |
'' |
Location where the created munge key should be fetched into |
Variable | Default value | Description |
slurm_repo_name |
slurm |
Name for the RPM repository |
slurm_repo_baseurl |
'' |
URL for the repository. This should point to the host with repo_host as a role (e.g. http://builder/slurm_repo/ ). |
slurm_host_roles |
[] |
List of roles that this host should play in the cluster. Possible options are build_host , repo_host , slurmctld , slurmrestd , slurmdbd , compute and submit |
slurm_log_dir |
/var/log/slurm |
Log directory for slurm |
slurm_state_save_location |
/var/spool/slurm |
Location for slurm states |
slurm_tool_install |
false |
Whether slurm_tool should be installed on submit, compute and slurmctld hosts. |
slurm_tool_repo | |
Repo for slurm_tool. |
slurm_tool_version |
1.0.1 |
Version or commit of slurm_tool. |
Variable | Default value | Description |
slurmdbd_mysql_root_password |
'password' |
Password for root user in slurmdbd mysql |
slurmdb_password |
'password' |
Password for slurm user in slurmdbd mysql |
slurm_innodb_buffer_pool_size |
'1024M' |
InnoDB buffer pool size |
slurm_innodb_log_file_size |
'64M' |
InnoDB log file size |
slurm_innodb_log_wait_timeout |
'900' |
InnoDB log wait timeout |
slurmdbd_mysql_service |
'mariadb' |
Name of the mysql service |
slurm_slurm_conf_template |
'files/slurm.conf.j2' |
Configuration template for slurm.conf |
slurm_slurmdbd_conf_template |
'files/slurmdbd.conf.j2' |
Configuration template for slurmdbd.conf |
slurm_cgroup_conf_template |
'files/cgroup.conf.j2' |
Configuration template for cgroup.conf |
slurm_gres_conf_template |
'files/gres.conf.j2' |
Configuration template for gres.conf |
slurm_topology_conf_template |
'files/topology.conf.j2' |
Configuration template for topology.conf |
slurm_epilog_script |
'files/epilog.j2' |
Template for epilog script. This will be placed in /usr/bin/epilog . |
slurm_prolog_scripts |
[files/] |
Templates for prolog scripts. These will be placed in /usr/local/libexec/slurm/prolog.d/ . |
slurm_epilog_scripts |
[files/] |
Templates for epilog scripts. These will be placed in /usr/local/libexec/slurm/epilog.d/ . |
slurm_enable_pam_slurm |
true |
Will this role enable /etc/pam.d/slurm |
slurm_enable_pam_slurm_adopt |
true |
Should this role insert slurm_pam_adopt_setting into /etc/pam.d/system-auth to enable . |
slurm_pam_adopt_setting |
'-account sufficient action_adopt_failure=deny action_generic_failure=deny' |
Line that will enable |
slurm_enable_configless_profiled |
true |
Should scripts be created in /etc/profile.d that enable the configless setup for users |
slurm_cluster_name |
cluster |
Name of the cluster. This cluster will be created. |
slurmctld_hosts |
slurm_controller |
Comma separated list of slurmctld hosts. |
slurmdbd_host |
slurm_database |
Name of the slurmdbd host. |
Many variables are used in the configuration templates.
By default Slurm is built with these features:
Each feature is a map between feature name - build flags given to the rpmbuild. You can give custom build flags with this to the rpm creation. For example,
ucx: '--with ucx /path/to/my/ucx'
would build against UCX in a custom path. When the value is empty, default values are used.
Checksums are listed in these variables:
'23.02.4': "sha1:5ea4dabca78cd48611caf100e052a954f659516c"
'22.05.9': "sha1:cc853549724375cfab111529f7b7db0cc0dd1bbb"
'4.2.6': "sha1:c66a6c2ce73dcb3a83109ade87b2cd6ef2e4395b"
Variable | Default value | Description |
slurm_checksums |
dictionary given above | Slurm version checksums as a map |
pmix_checksums |
dictionary given above | PMIx version checksums as a map |
To be finalized.
For now see molecule converge playbook.
- Simo Tuomisto
- Some modifications to Slurm RPM spec are originally written by OHPC.