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Project generated from doing the Udemy course "Learn the Vulkan API with C++" by Ben Cook.

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Project generated while doing the Udemy course Learn the Vulkan API with C++ by Ben Cook.

Summary of content learned in the course:

  • Initiate Vulkan and setup a GPU for usage.
  • Validation Layers to validate Vulkan code.
  • Setup and use a Swap Chain with triple buffering.
  • Setup a Render Pass and Subpasses.
  • Create Frame buffers for the render pass.
  • Create a Pipeline and Shaders in SPIR-V.
  • Create and use a Command Buffer on a Queue.
  • Load in Vertex and Index data into Buffers, both in Host Visible and Device Local memory.
  • Descriptor Sets and Push Constants.
  • Setup a Depth Buffer.
  • Implement Textures and manage image layout transitions with pipeline memory barriers.
  • Use multiple Subpasses with Input Attachments.

To enhance modularity, I separated the Vulkan code into its own dedicated library. I have also encapsulated various graphics concepts into distinct classes, improving readability and maintainability. For more details, refer to the Rendering Engine Architecture section. Additionally, further improvements beyond the course content have been implemented, see Vulkan Course Improvements section for more details.

The 'main' branch contains the code generated after finishing the course, where it renders using two subpasses. In the first subpass it draws the 3D world. In the second subpass it draws a full screen triangle and reads from the color and depth images generated in the first subpass.

The 'Lecture21.DynamicUniformBuffers' branch contains the code generated up to Lecture 21: Dynamic Uniform Buffers, where the world matrices of all objects are passed to the vertex shader using a dynamic uniform buffer. In subsequent lectures dynamic uniform buffers are replaced by push constants.

The 'Lecture28.ModelLoading' branch contains the code generated up to Lecture 28: Model Loading, where we can load and render several models with different textures. This is the last lecture using a render pass with a single subpass. In subsequent lectures a larger refactor is done to use multiple subpasses.

Build and Run


  • Vulkan SDK 1.3. Download installer from
  • Graphics card with Vulkan support
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
  • CMake 3.28


  • Clone repo
    git clone
  • Generate Visual Studio solution using CMake in build folder
    cd Vulkan-Course
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
  • Open Vulkan-Course.sln with Visual Studio
  • Build and run EditorApplication project


Camera can be controlled while pressing the right mouse button:

  • Use WSAD keys to move forward, backwards and sideways.
  • Use QE keys to move upward and downwards
  • Use mouse to rotate and pitch the camera.
  • Use mouse wheel to speed up/down camera movement.

Rendering Engine Architecture

The engine is divided in multiple projects.

Project Description
Core Library with basic functionality for the engine, like logging, debugging or the math data structures (vectors, matrices, transform, color, etc.)
Graphics Library providing a generic graphics API encapsulating calls to Vulkan API. This is also known as the Render Hardware Interface (RHI). The rest of the engine will communicate with this library and not with Vulkan directly.
Runtime This library contains more general constructs to build graphics applications, such as Window, Renderer, Camera or Assets. The renderer has an Scene with objects to render.
EditorApplication Project with main.cpp that generates the executable. It creates an Application, which has a Window, a Renderer and a Camera. Application also creates objects and adds them to the renderer. Finally, Application also runs the main loop, updating the camera and renders the scene.
Content This project contains the Assets folder, the main and 3rdParty CMake files and this readme file.

Vulkan Course Improvements

I did the following improvements on top of the content provided in the Vulkan course:


  • Used CMake to generate the project, streamlining the build process and making easier to expand.
  • Used a platform-independent math library (mathfu). This prevents the engine from being tied to a specific Graphics API, simplifying the effort to add support for other platforms in the future.
  • Organized all 3rdParty libraries under a folder so they appear grouped together in Visual Studio solution.
  • Targets setup in CMake with 3 configurations:
    • Debug: No optimizations and debug information enabled. Asserts, logs and full debugging available.
    • Development: Optimizations and debug information enabled. Asserts, logs and partial debugging available with fast execution.
    • Release: Optimizations enabled and no debug information. Asserts, logs and debugging not available. Fastest execution.


  • Encapsulated GLFW usage into a Window class.
  • Added a Camera class to handle view/projection matrices and camera updates, it doesn't include any Vulkan or Graphics structure. This decouples the camera from graphics. The renderer will get the view/projection matrices from the camera and it's the renderer's responsibility to update the uniform buffers for the shaders.
  • Supports window minimization.


  • Encapsulated Vulkan behind a library (Graphics). This simplifies the addition of other Graphics API in the future.
  • Separated Vulkan concepts in different classes. This greatly improves code re-usability and helps understanding Vulkan concepts and the relationships between them.


3rdParty Libraries

  • glfw: Provides a simple, platform-independent API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, reading input, handling events, etc.
  • mathfu: Provides a simple and efficient math library with vectors, matrices and quaternions classes.
  • stb: Provides several single-file graphics and audio libraries for C/C++. Used for loading images.
  • assimp: Library to load various 3D file formats into a shared, in-memory format. Used for loading 3D meshes from FBX and GLTF files.


Project generated from doing the Udemy course "Learn the Vulkan API with C++" by Ben Cook.






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