This is a template project for FastAPI using PostgreSQL as well as Prisma for ORM + database migrations.
Create your .env
file in the root project directory, you can copy .env.sample
as the base for this.
docker compose up --build
A sample User schema has been created to allow the prisma client to generate upon project creation. This should be modified or deleted to fit your app's needs prior to creating any migrations.
This project is using prisma as the ORM
The migrations can be pushed to the running postgresql container using the
schema and migrations found in ./prisma/migrations
prisma db push --schema prisma/schema.prisma
Migrations can be created by using this command, while the database is running.
prisma migrate dev --schema prisma/schema.prisma --name "what this change does"
Install pre-commit to make sure you never fail linting in CI.
poetry run pre-commit install
If you would like to learn more, we provide guides and details about this template and the related technologies on our blog
Consider taking a look at our guide for this template