I'm 😀 Abdul Vakeel Software Engineer from uttarakhand, India. I mostly deal with web development with HTML5/CSS/Javascript,Bootstrap, Jquery, tailwind css, Laravel, Vuejs and ChatGPT, software development stack in these days. I have 8+ years of development experience in architecting, designing, development and implementing of web applications, using Laravel,PHP, Vuejs, REST API, nextjs, tailwindcss,ionicframework, mongodb, flutter, konstaui, reactjs, nodejs and Web technologies.
🔭 I’m currently working on Working as a Software Engineer and contributing to frontend and backend for building web applications and portals
🌱 I’m currently learning : Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence systems and DevOps...**
💬 Ask me about Laravel, PHP, Vuejs, REST API, nextjs, tailwindcss, ionicframework, mongodb, flutter, konstaui, reactjs, nodejs
📫 How to reach me abdulvakeel@skycodelab.io