BlogGen: AI-Powered Blog Generator 🤖 BlogGen is an intuitive Streamlit application that leverages advanced language models to generate blog content tailored to specific audiences. Whether you are a researcher, data scientist, or writing for the general public, BlogGen can help you create compelling and contextually relevant blog posts with ease.
Features Customizable Input: Define the topic, audience, and desired word count for your blog. AI-Driven Content: Utilizes LLaMA 2 model for high-quality, context-aware blog generation. User-Friendly Interface: Streamlit-based UI for a seamless user experience. Installation To run this application locally, follow these steps:
bash Copy code git clone cd bloggen Install the required packages:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Set up Hugging Face Authentication: Replace 'your_huggingface_token_here' in the code with your actual Hugging Face token.
Run the Streamlit app:
bash Copy code streamlit run Usage Enter the Blog Topic: Provide a topic for your blog. Select the Audience: Choose the target audience for the blog. Specify the Word Count: Define the desired length of the blog. Generate: Click on the "Generate" button to create your blog post.