The Purpose of this Project is to create a Postgres database with tables designed to optimize queries on song play analysis, for a startup called Sparkify who wants to analyze the data they've been collecting on songs and user activity on their new music streaming app.
Database Design
The Database Schema is a Star Schema which consists of a songplay table which is the fact table and the artist table, user table , song table, time table are all dimension tables. The ETL process conssts of transferring data from json files in two local directories into these tables in Postgres.- data files
- create (create tables and connects to the sparkify db)
- (queries for drop, create and insert into tables)
- (pipeline in transferring data into the tables)
- etl.ipynb (Test notebook of the procedure implemented in
- test.ipynb (test notebook to query the tables to check if the data is inserted)
- Step1: Open terminal(Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and go to the project directory
- Step2: Run the sql_queries python script
- Step3: Run the create tables python script to create the tables and connect to the sparkify database
- Step4: Run the etl python script to build the pipeline by extracting, transforming and Loading data from the data files into the tables.
- Step 5: Visualize the populated tables by running the test.ipynb file.