This repository contains a template for setting up Rust Web Development. To handle database migrations, I have opted for Django due to its convenient built-in functionality. For database ORM, I have used diesel. To facilitate development, I have configured the CLI using zsh, which has been my go-to shell for some time. For the HTTP service, I have chosen hyper due to its lightweight nature.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
I have opted for PyCharm Community Edition for updating the Django Models and IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for Rust.
# Installing the zsh
brew install zsh
# Setting the `zsh` as your default shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
# After that restart your terminal, now you should be using `zsh` as your default shell
# Installing the zsh
sudo apt install zsh
# Setting the `zsh` as your default shell
chsh -s $(which zsh)
# After that restart your terminal, now you should be using `zsh` as your default shell
mkdir ~/.dotfiles
git clone ~/.dotfiles/lib/zsh-autoenv
echo 'source ~/.dotfiles/lib/zsh-autoenv/autoenv.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
python3 -m venv .env
source ./.env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
We don't need to run this command everytime as we have to create only first time, it is already done
django-admin startproject proj
mv proj dj
cd dj
django-admin startapp temp_app
Add this APP into dj/proj/ in INSTALLED_APPS
If above zsh
setup is not done
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"
If above zsh
is done so run below command
If above zsh
setup is not done
diesel print-schema only-tables --database-url=$DATABASE_URL > $PROJDIR/service/db/src/
If above zsh
is done so run below command