Pattern-based random phrase generation utility using WordNet dictionaries
It can be used in set of purposes such as name or password generation, inspiration for your new username or anything else you can think of
When using for password generation, make sure you will not use generated phrases as-is. Consider adding some numbers and case-variety to make it more strong before brute-force attacks
- Java JRE 8
- sbt (build)
- Prebuilt jars can be found in releases tab
- Archlinux AUR packages:
- release (installs jar):
- master (builds from source):
Get sbt (Scala Build Tool) and run sbt assembly
in project directory. Resulting jar will be in target/scala-2.12/phgen.jar
. You can run it using phgen
executable from the repo
Options manual can be obtained with --help
. It also supports interactive mode with flag -I
Pattern description can be found here
Help pages (--help
and interactive :help
) also duplicated here
Pattern: [adj] [rw noun] of [sep(-) noun]
monochrome Vries of rift-valley
controlled tortilla of antifouling-paint
crisscross coif of Stenotomus-chrysops
medicinal amniote of element-114
occupational memory of denim
Pattern: [adverb] [verb]ing [sep(-) noun]
heroically betraying British-Commonwealth
pitty-pat summering Paliurus
foremost cementing Section-Eight
spotlessly waging sacred-mushroom
squarely spell outing smoky-quartz
Pattern: [rw adj][rw noun]
This project is based on WordNet and contains an embedded copy of WordNet 3.1 database licensed under WordNet License. WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.
PhraseGen © AbsurdlySuspicious. Licensed under Apache License 2.0