Notistack is an extention to Material-ui Snackbar that manages snackbars so they can be displayed and stacked on top of one another. It's highly customizable and you can customize it the same way you do for Mui-Snackbars.
Stacking behaviour | Dismiss oldest when reached maxSnack (3 here) |
Use your prefered package manager:
npm install notistack
yarn add notistack
1: Wrap your app inside a SnackbarProvider
component: (see docs for a full list of available props)
import { SnackbarProvider } from 'notistack';
<SnackbarProvider maxSnack={3}>
<App />
2: Export any component that needs to send notification using withSnackbar
. By doing this, you'll have access to the method onPresentSnackbar
in your props which can be used to send snackbars.
import { withSnackbar } from 'notistack';
class MyComponent extends Component {
handleNetworkRequest = () => {
const { onPresentSnackbar } = this.props;
.then(() => onPresentSnackbar('success', 'Successfully fetched the data.'))
.catch(() => onPresentSnackbar('error', 'Failed fetching data.'));
export default withSnackbar(MyCompnent);
You can see the online demo here
To play with the demo locally, do the following:
git clone
cd notistack
npm install
cd demo && npm install
npm start
Besides maxSnack
, any other prop gets passed down to a Snackbar component. See Material-ui Snackbar docs for more info.
// Maximum number of snackbars that can be stacked on top of eachother.
maxSnack type: number default=3
// An example of prop passed to Mui-Snackbar
transitionDuration={{ exit: 380, enter: 400 }}
When you export your component using withSnackbar
you'll have access to onPresentSnackbar
in your props that basically adds a snackbar to the queue to be displayed to the user. It takes two arguments variant
and message
// type of the snackbar
variant type:string oneOf(['error', 'success', 'warning', 'info'])
// text of the snackbar
message type:string
- Allow snackbar type customization
- Some snackbars should get dismissed after timeout and some other should only get dissmissed when user clicks on dismiss/close button.
Open an issue and your problem will be solved.
Material Design guidlines suggests that only one snackbar should be displayed at a time. But I liked to stack them. 😂 So I made notistack.
Hossein Dehnokhalaji