install docker-compose
first time setup
docker-compose up -d
pip install -r requirements.txt
for database migration and setup:
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
to login to accio db inside the container:
docker-compose exec db bash
psql accio -U postgres
run the server
flask run
To run yolo object detection you have to donwload the yolov3.weights Then add yolov3.weights in
- Videos
- id
- name
- results
- path/url
- processed
- Plugins
- id
- name
- is_enabled
- executable_path
- system_configuration
- plugin_configuration
api/ - flask api serving the frontend
engine/ - module carrying all the logic happening behind the scenes
- datafeed::DataFeeder
- keyframes::KeyFrameExtractor
- plugins::PluginManager
- abstracts the interaction with plugins
- engine::EngineManager
- discover video from datafeed
- for each plugin in plugins list
- perform keyframes extraction on video (depending on its system configuration)
- form input obj (either output of keyframes or raw video)
- output =, input_obj)
- Indexer.index(video, output)
- indexer::Indexer
- reflect output results to video db records
- output: (view only)
{ "src_name": "xxx", "results": "xxx" [ { "from": "xxx", "to": "xxx", "content": "xxx", "bb": [], "confidence": "xx" } ] }
- output: (view only)
- reflect output results to video db records
plugins/ - repository of all implemented plugins
- each plugin inherits from an AbstractPlugin class, implementing a
method andconfigurationDict
- each plugin inherits from an AbstractPlugin class, implementing a
A search box that sends the query to /api/search?q="xxx"x and renders the results with potential interaction with the videos and their frames
A place to manage plugins and their configuration
import paths:
- plugins.facedetection.facedetection.FaceDetectionPlugin
- plugins.yolo_object_detection.yolo.YoloPlugin
python engine/ --name <plugin name> --executable_path <import path>
python engine/ --name face_recognition --executable_path plugins.facedetection.facedetection.FaceDetectionPlugin
python engine/ --name yolo --executable_path plugins.yolo_object_detection.yolo.YoloPlugin
python engine/ --sleeptime <time in secs> --repository <relative path>
python engine/ --sleeptime 20 --repository ./repository
- Talk about input type (scene, raw video, keyframes [x])
Chair, Car, Person, Jim, Stanley