Allows the user after authentification to check the status of node and mining services, and to activate or deactivate those services.
Conceal-Assistant is designed for CCX-Box, therefore it has been originily developed to run on Linux, however since version 1.2.0 it is also compatible on Windows.
Any how, since it's a web server type of application, it can be consulted from any other device on the same local network using other OS(windows, mac, arch ...)
Four miner templates are available for purpose of guidance , and if used, would be mining to Conceal Network donation address
Node.JS, NPM, and Nodemon are required, sensors is needed to get Gpu temp and power info :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm i -g nodemon
sudo apt install dbus-x11
sudo apt-get -y install lm-sensors
to download the file in the Conceal-assistant folder : (or download and unzip the zip file)
git clone
and go to the folder just created:
cd conceal-assistant
dependancies required as indicated in package.json
to install, just run (you might need sudo, depending where your folder is located):
npm install
npm run assistant
nodemon server.js
when server available, compact mode:
npm run electron
Superior permission are needed to modify mining service or node upgrade
sudo nodemon server.js
open your internet Browser, and go to http://localhost:3500/ or from an other device on the same local network: http://(local_ip_address_of_the_ccx_box):3500/
you have to register a new user at first use, this will create unique random environmental variables. the setting page gives you the option to delete a user and then you'll be redirected to register page.
Once logged in, session is active for 15minutes, nevertheless session can be refresh during a period up to 3h, if needed. (the refresh button appears on 'mouse-over' effect in the banner)
see note 2
open a command prompt with a right click Run as administrator
go to the directory where you want to install,
git clone
and go to the folder just created:
cd conceal-assistant
npm install
open a command prompt with a right click Run as administrator
go to Conceal Assistant folder,
nodemon server.js
or use the ccx-assistant.bat file provided,
you'll have to edit it with correct path to Conceal Assistant,
and run it with a right click Run as administrator
(you can use cham.ico to identify it on your desktop)
- Compact window with Electron
- Windows compatibility
- Click on Miner to compare hash software vs hash at the pool.
- Compatibility with Fastpool worker style @workername
- Integration of Conceal Api to have height and status of node without opening extra tab.
- Automatic refresh of register Page at first launch to land on index page
- Compatibility with Cedric Crispin's pool worker style .workername
- Gpu name doesn't show in 'System info' when launch via a service
- at very very first boot (therefore only happens once) the page needs to be manually refresh, it's because there are no environmental token yet and they are just being created.
- automatically create access token at first use if environmental are missing
- Credits are now in a collapssible box preventing overlapping
- Bug correction when deleting user and his flight sheet.
- Some latency to load some pages
OS | Guardian service name | Mining service name |
Linux | ccx-guardian.service | ccx-mining.service |
Windows | ConcealGuardian | ConcealMining |
exemple of ccx-mining.service file (this one even including a script for overclock)
Description=Conceal Mining
# Another Type option: forking
ExecStop=/opt/conceal-toolbox/oc-amd/ reset
- SRBMiner-Multi is launched with a .sh file including informations (--pool --wallet -p --api-enable --api-rig-name)
- Xmr-Stak is launched with the executable xmr-stak, informations are in a pools.txt file store in the same folder as the executable ({"pool_address" "wallet_address" "rig_id" "pool_password" ) and in the config.txt file for the api ("httpd_port")
- CryptoDredge is launched with a .sh file including informations (-o stratum+tcp:// -u -p -w --api-type ccminer-tcp -b)
ConcealMining service based on an xml file, and operated by winSW
exemple of xml file, like cmservice.xml :
<name>Conceal Mining</name>
<description>Conceal Mining to launch miner</description>
<arguments>--disable-cpu --algorithm cryptonight_gpu --pool --wallet ccx7Mi9osGEiPkJ8Eq9ajfFFipavENjJ92Gf4xCmu4KXiExSjcWoSefCQYtcA2BUrTPjrMY5pssgMNPRxaR1DXtj3TvTJG6LRo@ccxDonation --api-rig-name ccxDonation --api-enable</arguments>
<log mode="roll"></log>