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OpenStreetMap Server

Build an OpenStreetMap Server


Documentation Status

Installation Options

This script is for building a basic tile server with OpenStreetMap data.

1. Install Using Script

For demos to work, be sure your hostname is set properly.

On a clean Ubuntu 22 install.

  1. Get the script and make it executable:

    wget && chmod +x

  2. If using a non-Latin alphabet, ucomment line 24 below:

    export LC_ALL=C

  3. Run the script

Running the script:

./  [web|ssl] [bright|carto] pbf_url

[web|ssl]: 'web' for http and 'ssl' for https.

[bright|carto]: 'carto' for openstreetmap-carto or 'bright' for openstreetmap-bright

pbf_url: Complete PBF url from GeoFabrik (or other source)


Load Delaware data with openstreetmap-carto style and no SSL:

./ web carto 

Load Bulgaria data with openstreetmap-bright style and SSL:

./ bright

Load South America data with openstreetmap-carto style and SSL:

./ ssl carto

Using SSL:

If you select the ssl option and wish to use LetsEncrypt, be sure to do the following:

  1. Check hostname is set properly. You can set the hostname using hostnamectl as below:

    hostnamectl set-hostname

  2. Run the script, which will provision a dummy SSL certificate.

  3. Once script completes, enable Python Certbot Apache plugin:

    apt-get -y install python3-certbot-apache

  4. Request a certificate using below and

    certbot --apache --agree-tos --email --no-eff-email -d

  5. select the option "2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access"

  6. Restart Apache

2. Install Using Docker Compose

Dockerized OpenTileServer

First build the containers, then start PostgreSQL, renderd, and Apache.


Clone OpenTileServer and change to the OpenTileServer/Docker directoy:

git clone
cd OpenTileServer/Docker
docker compose pull
docker compose up

Add PBF File

$ docker ps (to get container id)
$ docker exec -it ${CONTAINER_ID} bash
$ root@${CONTAINER_ID}:/home/tile# ./ ''
$ docker compose restart

You can access PostgreSQL on 5432 and Apache 80

Welcome Page

Once installation completes, navigate to the IP or hostname of your server.

You should see a page as below:


Click on both the OpenLayer and Leaflet Examples and check your installation is rendering

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Cited, Inc. Wilmington, Delaware