LimLim is small simple but useful debugger for Lua programming language.
- Stepping
- Variable introspection
- Table debugging
- Locals and globals view
- Stack traceback
- Executing from console with arguments
- Specify paths to LimDebug module and LimDebug controller
- Qt 4.7.2
- Lua 5.1
- QScintilla 6.1.0
- qmake
- make (or mingw32-make for windows)
- Add QScintilla features.
- find/replace
- bind toolbar buttons to qscintilla
- changing of appearance (monospace font)
- project managment (file tree at side of LimLim)
- remove " from field values of tables (not so easy as i thought)
- add feature that user can change values of introspected values
- add gui widget for breakpoints and watchpoints
- debugging is slow (on windows is SLOW - i think doesn't have so quick process input/output managment like unix systems), program would need complete change of debugger
- i think saving Lua states to XML file and sending directly to Qt application would be ideal
- lua debugger have to remeber, which values needs to send main program
- main program would send complex orders to Lua debugger with executable lua codes or XML