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A bot specifically for the Adam Learns show (Twitch, Discord, etc.).

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A bot specifically for the Adam Learns show (Twitch, Discord, etc.).


This code is publicly viewable, but it isn't exactly "open-source":

  • The code is not licensed for use by anyone other than myself.
  • I don't plan on making the bot be generally available or usable (e.g. I probably won't add features that people ask about).
  • I probably won't do anything explicit to maintain this repo unless it's something I need for myself.


  • Copy .env.example to another file (e.g. .env.development.local) and fill out the values.
  • Run migrations (see Migrations).
  • Get a Twitch access token: NODE_ENV=development pnpm tsx packages/bots/src/get-tokens.ts
    • Follow the instructions that it outputs

Typical development flow

  • Start everything up:
    • Go to root
    • cd packages/web
    • pnpm run dev
    • Go to root
    • cd packages/bots
    • NODE_ENV=development pnpm run start
    • Go to root
    • cd packages/database
    • pnpm run watch
    • Go to root
    • cd packages/youtube-api
    • pnpm run watch
  • Go to the web interface or the test channel to try things out

Running Docker images locally

Just run the pnpm script from the root package.json, e.g. pnpm run docker:web.


  • pnpm run lint (optionally with --fix at the end)
  • pnpm run type-check


  • Start the test database in a Docker image: docker compose -f ./packages/database/src/test_compose.yml up
  • Switch to the package where you want to run tests. Note that at the time of writing, the bots package doesn't need a .env.test file since it doesn't connect to a real database.
  • Make sure to use the test environment: NODE_ENV=test pnpm test. If you want to run only certain files, add them like this NODE_ENV=test pnpm test ./packages/bots/src/test/bot.test.ts.
  • When running pnpm coverage, open the results with open coverage/index.html.


  • Switch to the database directory first: cd packages/database
  • Creating: pnpm run kysely-migration-cli create migration-name-with-hyphens
  • Back up: backUpDatabase in my shell (command defined here)
  • Write the contents of the migration file.
  • Migrating: NODE_ENV=development pnpm run kysely-migration-cli latest
    • Note: migrations should happen automatically on start-up. See .env.example for how to configure this. However, they won't automatically regenerate types.
  • Regenerating types (make sure to replace the variables): DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:bar@localhost/foo pnpm run kysely-codegen
  • Copy the regenerated types to the right location: cp ./node_modules/kysely-codegen/dist/db.d.ts ./src/types/db.d.ts
  • Make sure to run "Developer: Restart Extension Host" in VSCode or else you'll get a lot of squigglies.

Manually building the Docker images

  • Build the bots image:
    • From the root of the directory, run docker build . -t adamlearns/abbott-bots -f packages/bots/Dockerfile.
  • Build the web image:
    • From the root of the directory, run docker build . -t adamlearns/abbott-web -f packages/web/Dockerfile.


  • This needs to be run from the root because that's where pnpm-lock.yaml is, which we need from each package that gets built. Also, packages may depend on one another (e.g. bots depends on database).
  • The .dockerignore files can be next to the Dockerfiles as long as their names match the Dockerfiles (reference).


I had to install the ircv3 package specifically for one issue: ChatMessage has a target that is only provided as a result of ircv3's PrivateMessage class, so this line of code would have a TypeScript error without installing ircv3. This is partially because @types/ircv3 does not exist.

Initial setup


  • Install prerequisites:
    • Get Docker prerequisites (reference)
      • Namely, this just means running pip3 install docker (or its equivalent, python3 -m pip install docker)
  • Run the playbook:
    • Modify inventory.ini to contain the IP address of the target (e.g. a mini PC).
    • Change to the right directory: cd ansible
    • Run: ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbook.yaml -K
      • It will prompt you for the "BECOME" password. This is the password of the user that you're SSHing as.

Post-Ansible steps

  • Set up the .env file. It may help to start with a local one: scp .env.development.local adam@minipc:code/Abbott/
    • Set DATABASE_BACKUP_LOCATION=/database_backups in the .env file since that's what Docker expects.
    • Make sure ~/database_backups exists on the host.
  • Set up tokens. At the time of writing, the mini PC doesn't have Node installed directly, so we use the Docker images we build, which have Node AND the requirements to connect to the database:
    • From main computer: ssh -L 3000:localhost:3000 -L 3005:localhost:3005 adam@minipc
      • Port 3000 is what get-tokens uses for its redirect, and 3005 is what get-youtube-tokens uses.
    • From the mini PC:
      • Switch to a directory that has an .env file with database and YouTube creds: cd code/Abbott/packages/bots
      • docker run --net=host -v .:/envfile --entrypoint /bin/bash -it
        • (--net=host is needed to be able to contact the database since it's running in a separate container)
        • (no need to do -p 3000:3000 thanks to --net=host)
      • cd app/deploy/dist
      • cp /envfile/.env.production.local ./
      • apt install -y vim
      • vim .env.production.local
        • Change @db in the database connection string to @
      • NODE_ENV=produc'tion node get-tokens
        • Follow the instructions on the main computer. When you get redirected to localhost:3000, it'll go through the SSH tunnel onto the mini PC.
        • Make sure to run get-tokens twice: once to save the bot's token, and once to save the streamer's token.
      • NODE_ENV=production node get-youtube-tokens
  • Migrate the database (I only did this once):
    • Just run pg_dump on my main computer and then psql -h MINI_PC_IP to restore it directly to the mini PC.

How to run get-tokens with a test database from my Mac

  • Note: at the time I'm writing these instructions, it's possible that there'll be a collision on port 3000. If that's the case, then update get-tokens and probably this README.
  • Start the database with docker-compose-adam-dev.yml.
  • Copy .env.development.local from the bots directory to .env.madeup.local.
  • Overwrite DATABASE_CONNECTION_STRING to point to port 5434 (which is what the compose file exposes)
  • cd packages/bots
  • NODE_ENV=madeup pnpx tsx src/get-tokens.ts
  • Follow the instructions

Getting YouTube tokens

  • cd packages/bots
  • NODE_ENV=development pnpx tsx src/get-youtube-tokens.ts
  • Follow the instructions

Register Discord bot

  • Register the commands with the Discord API
    • NODE_ENV=development pnpm tsx ./packages/bots/src/discord/deploy-commands.ts
      • Note: change NODE_ENV as appropriate (e.g. to production)
  • Invite the bot to your server (reference)
    • Make sure to select the bot and applications.commands options
  • Allow permissions on the #content-announcement channel.
    • In Discord, right-click the channel → Edit Channel → Permissions → Click the ➕ next to "ROLES/MEMBERS" and add your bot. Then, check the following:
      • "Send Messages"
      • "Embed Links"
      • "Mention everyone, here, and All Roles"
    • Note that opting in to the notification role is something that I handle through Discord's onboarding.


Generic issues

Are you building everything? Run pnpm watch. The typical problem is that I'll make changes in the database package and then not be able to run that code from another package. It's because nothing is building database.


A bot specifically for the Adam Learns show (Twitch, Discord, etc.).






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