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This is the game that chat plays during my stream breaks. It's a platformer controlled through Twitch chat.

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A platformer controlled through Twitch chat to be played on my stream during short breaks.

How to play

The only way to play is for Adam to be streaming the game. At that point, you can use the following commands in his Twitch chat:

  • join: joins the game. Available at any time, although you'll only really stand a chance at winning if you join in the first ~45 seconds. 😉

To jump, you have to send one of the following commands in the chat: l, u, r (alias j). Optionally, you can adjust your angle and jump power.

Jump commands are currently accepted in the following format:

  • <direction> [angle] [power] - where default values for angle and power are 0 and 100 respectively
    • angle can be from -90 to 90.
    • power can be from 1 to 100.

Both angle and power have a default value, so you don't have to type them in the chat. Omitting angle will make you jump up, omitting power will make you jump at maximum power. Commands were shortened to one character to make it easier to play.

Quick help:

  • l - jump left, e.g. l 45 to jump ↖
  • r or j - jump right, e.g. j 45 or r 45 to jump ↗︎
  • u - jump up, does not require angle, but allows specifying power for weaker jumps, e.g. u 50

There are additional fixed-angle commands used as shortcuts:

  • rrr or jjj: same as r 60 or j 60
  • rr or jj: same as r 30 or j 30
  • lll: same as l 60
  • ll: same as l 30
angle input -90 -45 0 45 90
jump direction ↗︎


While angle is clamped between -90 and 90, that does not mean you have to put negative numbers in. This syntax was left in since j became an alias - you can use j -30 to jump left or j 30 to jump right! Sometimes it's more convenient to stay on the j key, so this might be a more preferred way to some players

To bypass duplicate message warning on Twitch, add some garbage letters after commands that you want to repeat:

  • u: jump up
  • u a: jump up again
  • u bbbb: jump up again

Jumping in the same direction also works with garbage letters:

  • l 5
  • l 5 aaaa
  • l 5 bbb

This also works if you add them right after the command name, but only without space:

  • lk30 - interpreted as l 30
  • rrr50 - interpreted as rrr 50



Most important: you don't need to put space between the command and angle, you can simply send l30 to jump 30 degrees to the left (mind the angle input above: 0 degrees means up)

Additional tips:

  • You can alternate between l and r commands to jump up in place, avoiding twitch duplicate message restriction. Jumping left or right with no angle specified allows you to jump up.
  • If you are using 7TV chat extension, it has its own duplicate message block prevention, so no additional garbage in the chat message is needed

Customizing your character

Sending char <choice> in the chat allows you to change your character graphic. This is only for cosmetics and will be saved between the sessions.


Character customization is not saved during the Result Screen

  • choice is a number from 1 to 18


  • glow [color]: change your glow color. This is for subscribers, VIPs, and moderators only.
    • If color isn't specified, it'll take the color of your Twitch name.
    • color is in the form RGB or RRGGBB, e.g. color f00 to set it to red, color f0f to set it to pink.
  • namecolor <color>: change your name color. This is for subscribers, VIPs, and moderators only.
    • Color names are allowed, e.g. red, yellow, tomato. Refer to the X11 Color Name Chart for color names.
    • Hexadecimal values are also supported, e.g. f0c, bd00cd. Godot also supports 4-8 hex formats, but the alpha component is discarded, player name transparency is not allowed.
    • random randomizes your name color.


  • You can revive yourself using channel points. This isn't guaranteed to work, nor should you feel good about winning if you use this feature. 😛


  • Designed live (see the design document)
  • Developed hastily in three days (although there'll probably be minor improvements made in the future... 👀)

Building, running, testing, development

  • Prerequisites:
    • Install DotNet 8
    • Install Godot ≥4.2
    • Clone this repo
    • Generate a twitch token for your twitch account: You only need the scopes "chat:read" and "chat:edit" for now. Copy the access token and set it:
      • cd JumpRoyale (i.e. your working directory should contain JumpRoyale/JumpRoyale and there should be Jump Royale.csproj in it)
      • dotnet user-secrets set twitch_access_token <your access token>
      • dotnet user-secrets set twitch_channel_name <your channel name>
      • dotnet user-secrets set twitch_channel_id <your channel id>
    • Ensure that you have a GODOT4 environment variable:
      • Windows: modify system properties to set the environment variable to something like C:\myPath\Godot_vx.y.z-stable_mono_win64.exe
      • macOS: modify your shell's start-up script to add: export GODOT4="/Applications/"
  • Building:
    • Navigate to the root directory with Jump Royale.sln
    • Run dotnet restore
    • Rebuild solution:
      • VSCode: Run dotnet build --no-incremental (or run .NET: Rebuild task if you have C# Dev Kit extension)
      • Visual Studio: Build -> Rebuild Solution
    • Open in Godot
    • Click "Build" in Godot itself
  • Running:
    • Same as "building", but click "Run" in Godot


When developing with VSCode, if any changes were made in the .editorconfig file, you need to reload your window, because it will not pick up the changes immediately. Open Command Palette and run Developer: Reload Window task. This will most likely happen when switching to another branch that has different rules in .editorconfig, so you might see warnings from old cached config.

On another note, you sometimes have to rebuild the solution for static analysis to detect the fixes (VSCode only).


Refer to Testing README


With VSCode, we heavily recommend installing the following Microsoft extensions:

  • C#
  • Additionally, C# Dev Kit is recommended for extra editor features: Testing, automatic Package Management and Project/Solution Explorer, but it is recommended to uninstall IntelliCode for C# Dev Kit from this pack; it only gets in the way.
  • Repository will recommend installing CSharpier extension, we recommend installing this extension as a default formatter, because the C# extension only provides fixes for whitespaces and CSharpier can actually handle line breaks in a way that it makes sense. Don't install as a global tool (updates will cause conflicts and the extension will not know which version to use).

Adding a new command

In Arena.cs:

  • In HandleCommands, make a new case, decide if it needs the isPrivileged argument (if the command is only for subs)
  • Create a new dictionary of aliases inside the provider
  • Make a new command-specific matcher inside the provider
  • Create a new method for the logic (no defers needed!)

For example, assume there is a command that pushes a random player "left" or "right" where the command format is: push [direction] // ← random if null

case string when CommandAliasProvider.MatchesPushCommand(command.Name):



This is the game that chat plays during my stream breaks. It's a platformer controlled through Twitch chat.






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