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`hs.window.filter` refactor dev notes

adamwagner edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

hs.window.filter refactor notes


The goal of this file is to eliminate the need to 'shell out' to yabai to query window data needed to render stackline, which would have addressed if @alin32 hadn't implemented an even better fix faster than I could ;_)

Originally, I thought the main problem with relying on yabai was the 0.03s sleep required to ensure that the new window state is, in fact, represented in the query response from yabai. I've since noticed secondary downsides, such as overall performance. Specifically, yabai is frequently sluggish during something simple like focusing a window. This is, I presume, a side effect of stackline pummelling yabai with dozens of (mostly superfluous) query invocations. :confusion:

So, instead, I want to try try using hammerspoon's mature (if complicated) hs.window.filter and hs.window modules to achieve the same goal natively within hammerspon.

I also hope for tertiary benefits:

  • easier to implement enhancements that we haven't even considered yet
  • easier to maintain
  • drop the jq dependency

Status updates



  • Support stack focus "events"! Now, a stack takes on a new look when all windows become unfocused, with the last-active window distinct from the rest. This required a fair bit more complexity than expected, but is unavoidable (I think). There's a minor, barely noticable performance hit, too (not yet a problem, tho).
  • Centralized indicator config settings & consistent "current style" retrieval. Reduced reliance on magic numbers (indicator style is more purely from user config settings now).
  • Store a reference to the stack on each window, so any window can easily call stack methods. This allowed redrawOtherAppWindows() to move into the window class, where it's less awkward.
  • Resolved bug in which unfocused same-app windows would 'flash focus' briefly

Multi-monitor support is still a ?

Stacks refresh on every space/monitor change, wasting resources shelling out to yabai & redrawing all indicators from scratch.

Instead, it might better to update our data model to store: screens[] → spaces[] → stacks[] → windows[] … and then only update on window change events.


This update makes adds performance, reliability, and even some new functionality:

  • Hammerspoon is now responsible for querying and processing macOS window data. Hammerspoon's ability to coalesce the swarm of asynchronous change events that were causing your fans to spin up is a major improvement over calling yabai -m query --windows --space … dozens of times a minute. The move also made it possible to take a more traditional OOP approach, which has made tracking and mutating all of this desktop state a bit simpler. Unfortunately, it's still necessary to call out yabai, as it's the the keeper of each window's stack-index — a key bit of info that, afaict, is neither available elsewhere nor inferrable. That said, yabai is invoked much less frequently in this update.
  • In addition to only updating data when it's actually necessary, special attention has been given to changing focus within a stack: the POC blew away all of the UI state and _regenerated it from scratch … every … time … a window gained/lost focus. That approach is easier to think about, but it's far too slow to be useful. In this version, indicators should be snappy when changing focus :)

There's also some fun new functionality:

  • Stack indicators are always positioned on the side of the window that's closest to the edge of the screen. This allows for tight window_gaps, — even with showIcons enabled.
  • Magic numbers are less entangled in the implementation details (though it's still pretty bad) — and a few of them have even been abstracted into easy-to-mess with configuration settings. The new config.lua file isn't that exciting yet (it's mostly boilerplate), but I think the next update will bring the much-needed configuration mojo.

NOTE: even though this update focused on performance and reliability, there are still plenty of bugs. One particularly annoying bug appears to be Hammerspoon's fault, and required ugly workarounds to get a so-so result.

Also I'm still very new to lua and find its behavior (particularly its silence about errors) pretty baffling … it's quite hard to diagnose — or — even notice small problems, which of course means they eventually become large, messy problems. ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) If you're a lua pro and you're reading this, it'd be great to get your critique. ---


We're not yet using any of the code in this file to actually render the indiators or query ata — all of that is still achieved via the "old" methods.

However, query.lua IS being required by ./core.lua and runs one every window focus event, and the resulting "stack" data is printed to the hammerspoon console.

The stack data structure differs from that used in ./stack.lua enough that it won't work as a drop-in replacement. I think that's fine (and it wouldn't be worth attempting to make this a non-breaking change, esp. since (hopefully?) no one is rellying on stackline for daily computing.


  • Integrate appropriate functionality in Query module the Core module
  • Integrate appropriate functionality in Query module into the Stack module
  • Update key Stack module functions to have basic compatiblity with the new data structure
  • Simplify / refine Stack functions to leverage the benefits of having access to the hs.window module for each tracked window
  • Fix egregious indicator lag when switching the focused window in a stack

2020-08-01 is a proof-of-concept for visualizing the # of windows in a stack & the currently active window.

There is much crucial fuctionality that is either missing or broken. For example, stack indicators do not refresh when:

  1. the tree is rotated or mirrored
  2. updating padding or gap values
  3. a stacked window is warped out of the stack
  4. app icons are toggled on/off

Challenges & resolutions

Coalescing a torrent of async events

hs.timer.delayed has done a great job taming the flood of window-change events that can occur when, say, resizing windows in a tiled layout.

NOTE: alternative: This extension makes it simple to defer multiple actions after a delay from the initial execution.

Unlike hs.timer.delayed, the delay will not be extended with subsequent run() calls, but the delay will trigger again if run() is called again later.

Methods to group windows into stacks


Rationale: Identifying frames by topLeft (frame.x, frame.y) of each window addresses macos MIN WIN SIZE EDGE CASE that can result in a stacked window NOT sharing the same dimensions.

PRO: ensures such windows will be members of the stack CON: zoom-parent & zoom-fullscreen windows will ALSO be counted as stack members PROPER FIX Filter out windows with a 0 stack-index using yabai data

NOTE: 'stackID' groups by full frame, so windows with min-size > stack width will not be stacked properly. See above ↑ }}}

Draw vs Redraw

I originally apporached this with a "reactjs" mindset — _destroy everythig on every render — that'll keep things simple!

Unfortunately, it also made things SLOW.

The costliest aspect of drawing the indicators from scratch each time is fetching the icon & generating the icons's image.

When it exists, it's MUCH faster/snappier to modify the attributes of existing canvas instances to achieve the desired "focused window has changed" effect. Obviously, 100ms isn't going to ruin anyone's day… But it is the difference between:

  • "Hey, I wonder if stackline is what's been driing the fans at full blast recently? It does seem to struggle…"


  • "Damnit, Chrome. When will the Chrome team get their shit together? This is ridiculous… —force quit—"

Winndows of the same app (hs bug)

There's a very annoying Hammerspoon bug that needed to be worked around: windowUnfocused event not fired for same-app windows.

See for more detail.

NOTE: v1 substantially slowed down indicator redraw when focus changes. So much so as to justify storing an "otherAppWindows" field on each window. See history below:

v1: Search for stack by window: E.g., local stack = stacksMgr:findStackByWindow(stackedWin)

v2: Lookup stack from window instead of searching by window ID: local stack = stackedWin.stack

v3: Store otherAppWindows directly on window:


  • ./stack.lua:22
  • ./stack.lua:30