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Block Scope

IsaacShelton edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Block Scope

Block scopes are a type of scope that exists inside of a function scope


Every HERE represents where a block scope exists

func myExampleFunction {
    if my_condition {
    if my_condition, HERE
    if my_condition HERE
    if(my_condition) HERE
    // same rules apply to other types of conditionals


A common mistake is to not take into account values that use ownership-based memory management inside of block scopes.

For example

import basics

func main {
    name String
    if true {
        user_input String = scan("Enter your name: ")
        name = user_input // BAD!!!

will crash, since user_input is destroyed by the time we are trying to use the string view name which references user_input.

This can easily be fixed by transferring ownership from user_input to name, so that the string data will outlive the scope of user_input. For String, we can use the commit method.

import basics

func main {
    name String
    if true {
        user_input String = scan("Enter your name: ")
        name = user_input.commit() // GOOD

For more in-depth information about String scoping specifically, see String

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