This project aimed to create a machine-learning model to analyze voice and speech to recognize emotion. It can be used in many applications, including media understanding, medical fields, etc.
Generally, all the datasets had .wav files with labels and annotations in the file’s name. For example, in RAVDESS, a file could be like this: 03-01-06-01-02-01-12.wav, with these annotations and corresponding values: Audio-only (03) Speech (01) Fearful (06) Normal intensity (01) Statement "dogs" (02) 1st Repetition (01) 12th Actor (12) The total number of training samples is: 3901 files, and for testing: 1301 files. Using the Python split() function, I extracted these labels from the file name.
This was the most critical part of the application since it allows the model to see numeric values representing the emotion in an audio file. It was done by changing the speech waveform to a form of a parametric representation at a relatively lesser data rate. Using librosa, I extracted these features:
- Chromagram (Chroma)
- MEL Spectogram Frequency (mel)
- Contrast
- Tonnetz (tonnetz) These 5 main features generate 180 sub-features for each audio file. All these operations were performed in
Using SKlearn, a neural network and a Multi-Layer Perceptron classifier were made to train the model with these parameters:
model_params = { 'alpha': 0.01, 'batch_size': 256, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'hidden_layer_sizes': (300,), 'learning_rate': 'adaptive', 'max_iter': 500, }
After loading the training and testing data using the helper function load_data
, training started and saved the training log in results/log.txt
along with the speech_sentiment.model
model in the same folder. Here’s the log for one of the training rounds:
Number of training samples: 3901 Number of testing samples: 1301 Number of features: 180 Training the model.... Accuracy: 84.86%
And another round with training and validation was:
Training accuracy: 0.87 Validation accuracy: 0.86
The model accumulated many features mapped to different emotions using the training set that it can now compare any given audio files to that it learned. I think that the most important factor out of the primary 5 features is the contrast because it allows the computer to identify high contrasts in waves that usually happens in emotions with a loud voice like anger. This is included in
After achieving high accuracy, it was time for a test. Using PyAudio and Pickle, I implemented a microphone input feature to test the model in real-time. With some helper functions, is_silent
, normalize
, trim
, and add_silence
, I was trying to enhance the quality of the given microphone record to be all called in record()
. When it’s called, a microphone access dialog shows up to grant access, and then the user sees “Please speak after 1 sec,” and it can automatically detect silence to close the microphone. Then it saves the recorded audio to a test.wav
file. Then it calls the model to predict the emotion in that file. Here’s the result