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Nerdy Archive is a digital archive for the e-books while providing a Library Management System for the libraries to manage the transactions of the physical copies of the books. The admins(librarians) can manage the users as well the books.


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Nerdy Archive - Digital E-Books Archive with Library Management System

Table of Contents


Nerdy Archive (LMS) is a comprehensive solution for managing both offline/physical book borrowing and digital eBook lending in libraries. The system facilitates user authentication, book transactions, and administrative control over library resources.


  • User Management :
    • JWT-based secure login and registration.
    • Forgot password and reset password functionality.
  • Book Management :
    • Separate handling for physical book borrowing and eBook lending.
    • eBooks are managed as PDF files, and physical books are tracked with transaction records.
  • Transaction Management :
    • Borrow and return books with due date tracking.
    • Fine calculation for late return of books.
    • Ensures availability and manages borrowing limits.
  • Reset Password :
    • Secure password reset via email with token-based validation.
  • Offline and eBook Handling:
    • Separate workflows for borrowing physical books and downloading eBooks.

Key Functionalities

User Authentication

  • Secure registration and login.
  • Token-based authentication using JWT.

Book Management

  • Add, update, and delete books.
  • Manage physical book inventory and eBook PDFs separately.

User Management

  • Users can view their profiles, update their information, and reset passwords.
  • Admins can manage users, including updating roles and deleting accounts.

Transaction Management

  • Admins can add, edit, and delete books.
  • Users can search for books and view availability.
  • Download eBooks directly from the system.
  • Transactions are updated automatically when books are issued or returned.

Password Reset

  • Users can reset their password via email.
  • Implements secure token-based reset mechanism.

Handling Offline and eBook Borrowing

This LMS includes provisions to handle both offline/physical book borrowing and eBook lending:

  • Offline Book Borrowing:

    • Tracks the number of available physical copies.
    • Borrowers can check out books and must return them before the due date.
    • Due dates and fines (if applicable) are managed through the system.
  • eBook Lending:

    • Users can download eBook PDFs directly from the system.
    • eBook availability is not restricted by inventory, ensuring unlimited downloads.
    • eBook files are stored securely in the uploads/ directory of the backend/ or server/ folder.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MySQL (Aiven MySQL by DigitalOcean)
  • ORM: Sequelize
  • Frontend: React.js (with Material-UI for styling), Vite template
  • Email Service: Nodemailer
  • Deployment: Backend in Virtual Machine by any Cloud Provider (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), Frontend in Vercel or Heroku


Backend Dependencies

  • bcrypt (^5.1.1): Used for password hashing to securely store user credentials.
  • body-parser (^1.20.3): Parses incoming request bodies for API handling.
  • cors (^2.8.5): Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, allowing requests from different origins.
  • crypto (^1.0.1): Provides cryptographic functions for secure token handling.
  • dotenv (^16.4.7): Loads environment variables from a .env file into the application.
  • express (^4.21.2): A web framework for building the backend server.
  • jsonwebtoken (^9.0.2): Implements JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication.
  • multer (^1.4.5): Handles file uploads, particularly for eBooks in PDF format.
  • mysql2 (^3.11.5): MySQL client used for database connections and queries.
  • nodemailer (^6.9.16): Sends emails for password resets and other notifications.
  • sequelize (^6.37.5): ORM for managing database models and handling queries.
  • sequelize-cli (^6.6.2): Command-line tool for Sequelize migrations and model management.

Frontend Dependencies

  • @emotion/react (^11.14.0): CSS-in-JS library for styling React components.
  • @emotion/styled (^11.14.0): Provides styled-components support using Emotion.
  • @mui/material (^6.2.0): Material-UI components for building a responsive and consistent UI.
  • axios (^1.7.9): HTTP client for making API requests to the backend.
  • react (^18.3.1): Core library for building user interfaces.
  • react-dom (^18.3.1): DOM-specific methods for rendering React components.
  • react-router-dom (^6.28.0): Routing library for navigating between pages.
  • formik (^2.4.6): Simplifies form state management and validation.
  • yup (^1.5.0): Schema validation library, often used with Formik for form validation.
  • react-icons (^5.4.0): Icon library to easily add scalable vector icons to the UI.
  • @react-pdf-viewer/core (^3.12.0): Library for rendering PDF files within React applications.
  • @react-pdf-viewer/default-layout (^3.12.0): Adds layout and navigation features to the PDF viewer.

Folder Structure

├── backend/
│   ├── certs/              # Contains SSL certificates (e.g., ca.pem)
│   ├── config/             # Configuration files (e.g., database connection)
│   ├── controllers/        # API controllers
│   ├── middleware/         # Middleware for users authentication, token verification, authorisation, and files verification
│   ├── models/             # Sequelize models
│   ├── routes/             # API routes
│   ├── uploads/            # File uploads (e.g., eBook PDFs)
│   └── utils/              # Utility functions (e.g., email handling)
├── frontend/
│   ├── public/             # Public assets
│   ├── src/                # React source files
│   │   ├── components/     # Reusable React components
│   │   ├── pages/          # Application pages (e.g., Dashboard, Profile)
│   │   ├── services/       # API service integrations
│   │   └── routes/         # frontend routes
|   |   |__ hooks/          # custom hooks
|   |__ app.jsx
|   |__ main.jsx
└──               # Project documentation

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the backend folder with the following:

DB_HOST=<local or cloud MySQL host instance url>

Application Screenshots

Home Page

Home Screenshot

Dashboard Page

User Dashboard Dashboard Screenshot
Admin Dashboard Dashboard Screenshot

Books List

Books List Screenshot

Books Details

Books Details Screenshot

Manage Users Page

Manage Users Screenshot

Manage Books Page

Manage Books Screenshot

Reset Password Page

Reset Password Screenshot

Future Enhancements

  • Add real-time notifications for due dates and reminders.

This README provides an in-depth overview of the Library Management System, highlighting its ability to manage both physical books and eBooks effectively. It also ensures a seamless user experience for both administrators and borrowers.


We welcome contributions to improve the Library Management System! Here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the repository: Create a personal fork of the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork: Clone your fork to your local machine and create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes: Implement your improvements or fixes, and ensure that your code works as expected.
  4. Commit your changes: Write clear commit messages explaining your changes.
  5. Push to your fork: Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub.
  6. Create a Pull Request: Open a Pull Request (PR) to the main repository with a description of your changes.

Please make sure to follow the project's coding conventions, write tests for new features, and update documentation as needed.

We appreciate all contributions, big or small!


Nerdy Archive is a digital archive for the e-books while providing a Library Management System for the libraries to manage the transactions of the physical copies of the books. The admins(librarians) can manage the users as well the books.







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