Members: Aditya, Robert, Tiffany and Sparsh Project Name: StudyBuddy (group study finder) Description: Let students in the same group to study together
How to test: The valid courses and emails are in the seed file. In order to test our code you must have a 'valid' stevens email (to simulate the stevens database we have a collection of valid emails that can be seen in the seed file, feel free to add or remove them at will) and valid courses (also in the seed file, we are only supporting CS courses as of now) For your functions either add the necessary email/course(s) required or use what we have provided so far! Thank you!
List of Valid Emails :,,,,,,
Some Valid Courses: CS555, CS546, CS442, CS492, CS135, C545, CS541
There are many cs courses you can use to test but these should be sufficient for testing purposes
Already Made Users are : Phill Harmonic, and Test Test