Provides ROS 2 launch file for turtlebot applications.
- ydlidar + slam_karto (ros2 ver.)
HaoChih, Lin (
From ADLINK-ROS github:
- ydlidar (ros2 ver.)
- slam_karto (ros2 ver.)
From OSRF ROS 2 github:
- turtlebot2_drivers (ros2 ver.)
- teleop_twist_joy (ros2 ver.)
- joy (ros2 ver.)
Installation steps:
$ ament build --isolated --symlink-install --parallel --only adlink_ros2_neuronbot
Open a new terminal (or source your ament_ws again)
$ launch ros2 pkg prefix adlink_ros2_turtlebot
Since the current version of rviz2 dose not support "nav_msgs/MapMetaData" msg type,
the best way to visulize the mapping result is still through the "ros1_briage".
(Remember to install ros1_briage in advance)
- Open three new terminals (source both ROS 1 & 2 setup.bash)
- $ roscore
- $ rviz
- $ ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-2to1-topics
Apache License 2.0 (Copyright 2018 ADLINK Technology, Inc.)