This is a demo repo to show how to utilize object detection of OpenVINO in ROS 2.
- You should install ros2_openvino_toolkit from Intel first.
- Source ROS 2 foxy and ros2_openvino_toolkit.
- After source ros2_openvino_toolkit, build code
mkdir -p ~/ros2_openvino_example_ws/src
cd ~/ros2_openvino_example_ws/src
git clone -b foxy-devel
cd ~/ros2_openvino_example_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
The ROS 2 node here will transform topic /detected_objects
from OpenVINO into /cmd_vel
While detecting different animals, the robot will do different actions.
- cat: Move right
- dog: Move left
- cow: Move forward
- bird: Move backward
# Run your robot first.
# Source ROS 2 foxy and ros2_openvino_toolkit.
cd ~/ros2_openvino_example_ws
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run vino_integration vino_integration
The ROS 2 node will transform topic /detected_objects
to String type.
This will be used while bridging ROS 1 since bridge can't transmit topic /detected_objects
# Source ROS 2 foxy and ros2_openvino_toolkit
cd ~/ros2_openvino_example_ws
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run vino_integration vino_transform