This is a Laravel package which let you faster getting data from League of Legends API.
Install this package with packagist.
Type with you terminal:
composer require devtemple/lara-lol
Open your .env file and set a LARALOL_API_KEY
which you can generate on the League of Legends developers API page
You can export config files:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laralol-config
Default server:
Default season:
Possible is define server with every new call endpoint with function:
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\Champion;
League of Legends API giving use some endpoint to get different data from the RIOT servers.
Every call to endpoint require one function:
If you want, you can set attribute with fields you want get from the call. You can define array with fields or one field. You can set it empty and get all data from the endpoint.
get('field') or get(['field1', 'field2']) or get()
List of all fields for specific endpoints you can find on League of Legends API Full Reference
Champion endpoint let us get some data about champions. This endpoint don't have any specified for it functions.
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\Champion;
Champion Mastery Endpoint let us get information about masteries champions for specified summoner. We have some functions which we can use for get some data.
This function let us get a scores for specified summoner ID
This function give us information about scores for every summoner champion by summoner ID
This function give us information about scores for specific champion ID and summoner ID
masteriesByChampion($summonerId, $championId);
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\ChampionMastery;
ChampionMastery::masteriesByChampion($summonerId, $championId);
League endpoint give you some data about challenger and masters leagues and leagues for specified summoners. You can do this with some specified functions.
This combination functions let you get information about challenger or master league:
tier($tier); // available options: master or chall
queue($queue); // available options: solo (RANKED_SOLO_5x5) or flex (RANKED_FLEX_SR) or flextt (RANKED_FLEX_TT)
league(); // is required to get specified league - check on examples to see how to use it
This function let you get league by league ID
This function let you get leagues for specified summoner ID
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\League;
// You can get a challenger or master league for specified queue like this:
// Get league by league ID
// Find all leagues for specified summoner
Lol Status endpoint give you information about specified server. This endpoint don't have any specified functions.
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\LolStatus;
Match endpoint give you some data about matches and timelines for specific match. This endpoint have a some specified functions.
Options which you can use is:
- champion
- season
- queue
- beginIndex
- endIndex
- beginTime
- endTime
// Notice: Working with tournament code require specific policy for your API.
findByAccountId($accountId); // Receive matches for Account ID
findByMatchId($matchId); // Receive match for Match ID
findByTournamentCode($tournamentCode); // Receive matches by Tournament code
findByMatchIdAndTournamentCode($matchId, $tournamentCode); // Receive match by Match ID and Tournament code
timeline($matchId); // Receive timeline for specific Match ID
// With under function you can filter result you would get. How you can use it you can check in examples
season($season); // Data for specific users
champion($championId); // Data for specific champion ID
queue($queue); // Data for specific queue
beginIndex($beginIndex); // Start data from specific index
endIndex($endIndex); // End data for specific index
beginTime($beginTime); // Start data for specific date (You can define normal format, timestamp or carbon instance)
endTime($endTime); // End data for specific date (You can define normal format, timestamp or carbon instance)
options($options); // Array with specific options champion|season|queue|beginIndex|endIndex|beginTime|endTime
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\Match;
// Get matches for specific account ID
// Get matches with specific functions options
->beginTime('12.01.2018' || $timestamp || Carbon::now()->subWeeks(12)) // Date between beginTime and endTime can't be more than one week
->endTime('15.01.2018' || $timestamp || Carbon::now()->subWeeks(12))
'season' => 10,
'beginIndex' => 10,
'endIndex' => 110
Spectator endpoint give you some information about summoner if he is in game or give you featured games. You can take information with two specified functions.
This function return for you featured games:
This function give you information if user is in game now:
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\Spectator;
Summoner endpoint let us get data about summoner like a account ID, summoner ID, name or icon ID. This endpoint has some functions which let us get awesome data from League of Legends API.
This functions let us get information about summoner:
findByName($name); // by his name
findByAccountId($id); // by his account id
findById($id); // by his ID
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\Summoner;
Third Party Code endpoint return for you third party code defined in the League of Legends Client. You can do this with one specified function.
This function give you third party code for specified summoner:
use Devtemple\Laralol\Facades\ThirdPartyCode;
This endpoint let you work with Tournament codes and tournament matches. This is a stub for testing and only working on development LOL_API_KEY
. If you want know to options, go on lol api reference and check what you can use.
This function give you tournament stub data:
providers($options); // Creates a tournament provider and returns its ID
tournaments($options); // Creates a tournament and returns its ID.
postCodes($tournamentId, $options, $count); // Create a tournament code for the given tournament
getLobbyEvents($tournamentCode); // Gets a list of lobby events by tournament code
This endpoint let you use all functions from tournament stub endpoint and extra few functions. You need to remember if you want use this endpoint, you need a production
Check some additional functions:
putCodes($tournamentCode); // Update the pick type, map, spectator type, or allowed summoners for a code
getCodes($tournamentCode); // Returns the tournament code DTO associated with a tournament code string
- Guzzle - Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client that makes it easy to send HTTP requests and trivial to integrate with web services.
- Adrian Kuriata - Initial work - AdrianKuriata
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details