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freyley edited this page Jan 7, 2019 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the Adversarial Collective.

Introduction to Adversarial Collective

This wiki is our repository of how we're going about accomplishing this.


Do you want to help? We need the following people to be able to succeed.

Topics and research

We want suggestions for topics and research on topics that we're currently working on. We're not quite set up to take them yet, but feel free to tell us about your ideas if you'd like, and we'll work on setting up systems to receive and make use of this info.

General Public FAQ

How can I contribute?

  • If you'd like to be a contributor, please let us know what topics you could work on. You can check our topic listing to see if there's anything that's interesting to you.
  • If not, please check out our topic listing and send in any research that's relevant to any topic that you're interested in.

(bolded items are things that we're working on making)