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Random Settings v1.4.0 (BETA3)

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@Aelire Aelire released this 03 May 14:35
· 140 commits to rs/main since this release

This is a new, mostly-rebuilt implementation of random settings, with the primary goal of improving the experience of newer and beginner players by providing multiple rulesets for random settings, as the default weights of random settings tend to generate fairly long seeds. In the Advanced Settings tab you'll find a dropdown to choose the ruleset you want to play with

The weights for each preset are documented in the randomizer window. Click the [Weights] link in the Advanced Settings tab, which will bring up a window with a table documenting all the settings that are randomized and the weight for each decision.
This information is also available in the non-spoiler log generated on randomization


Guest Preset

Alex (ofc2000alex) is the featured guest weight author for this release! He chose some of his favourite settings and built a ruleset according to his preferences. These settings should generate relatively short seeds compared to default settings, so they're probably a good starting point.

Default Presets

  • Default (Difficulty & Progression) aims to provide the classic random settings experience, where most settings are randomized. These settings enable many options, and can include difficulty options like Hero Mode, Swordless Mode or starting with fewer than 3 hearts, as well as in general enabling half or more of the progression settings. Consider these to be fairly long settings
  • Default (Progression) is a similar preset, but does not randomize difficulty-related settings like starting hearts or hero mode, for the classic RSL experience at the difficulty level you prefer
  • Default (Difficulty) is only the difficulty randomizer part of default settings, where you choose where the progression is but the randomizer selects the difficulty settings
  • Spring 2024 Async Event reproduces the weights seen in the previous release (RS1.4.0-dev3), which was used in the 2024 WWR Racing Discord Async Event as well as April 2024 async seeds. They are a minor variation over the Default (Progression) settings disabling or reducing likelihood of some of the less liked progression settings

Experimental Presets

These are presets included to showcase the capabilities of the settings randomizer. They provide a fairly different experience to the default settings and may not follow the habitual rules of random settings

  • Pairings (Experimental) groups progression (and some difficulty) settings into (mostly) pairs, in which one is enabled and the other is disabled. This should provide fairly balanced settings since it guarantees the number of enabled settings is almost constant
  • Season Roulette (Experimental) gives you settings for a random season of racing tournament. Unlike any other preset, you should be able to know which exact settings you're running within a minute or so of starting the seed, since they all have different starting items, hint placements, etc. With a twist, this preset can also generate Spoiler log settings (with the different presets of the past spoiler log tournament), in which case it will generate a spoiler log in the output directory, that you can use to prepare a route.

Terse changelog

Changes since RS1.4.0-dev3:

  • Multiple presets
  • In-Randomizer documentation (click the "weights" link next to the preset dropdown)
  • Upstream fixes and features
    • You can now start with fewer than 3 hearts (Enabled in "Default (Difficulty)" and "Default (Difficulty & Progression)")presets)
    • Master Sword Chamber and Ankle - Tingle statue reward will appear later in logic on average

Additional changes since RS1.3.0, already in previous dev builds: