The website is a games and music review website.
- Most Reviewed Game
- Most Reviewed Music
- Highest Rated Game
- Highest Rated Music
- Random Music
On the submission of music or a game to the database it will notify everyone connected to the site using an alert. This was not done for the reviews because that would just annoy users.
- /api/game
- /api/music
- /api/gamereviews
- /api/musicreviews
Used many a modules
GraphicsMagick was attempted to be used to alter the gaming image, but the image doesn't show up.
- Most Reviewed Game
- Most Reviewed Music
- Highest Rated Game
- Highest Rated Music
- Random Music
On the submission of music or a game to the database it will notify everyone connected to the site using an alert. This was not done for the reviews because that would just annoy users.
I'm aesthetically blind. Does it look nice?