DE : Arch
WM : Leftwm
terminal : Alacritty/st
colorscheme : Dracula
bar : Polybar
launcher : Rofi
Install all required dependencies
Clone the repository
git clone
- Make a copy of this project in your themes folder
cp -r ./leftwm-theme-dracula-rounded ~/.config/leftwm/themes
- Remove the symlink to your current theme if set
rm ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current
- Set this as your current theme
ln -s ~/.config/leftwm/themes/leftwm-theme-dracula-rounded ~/.config/leftwm/themes/current
- Restart your window manager
$MOD + Shift + r
There are two launchers that can be used, list and touch. You can switch between these by linking either to the file launcher.rasi e.g.:
ln -s list_launcher.rasi launcher.rasi
The polybar theme is a modified panel created by adi1090x(