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Sample code to show integration of AffinitiQuest credential orchestration platform using web components

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A FoalTS-based app that demonstrates use of the <aq-touchpoint/> component. Details on this component can be found later in this file.

This app also demonstrates how to use <aq-servicedesk/> and <aq-remotedevice/>. For descriptions of these components, please see: Remote Control.

For security considerations on use of touchpoints please see: Touchpoint Security Considerations


  • NodesJS >= 18
  • FoalTS ClI


# install node module dependencies
npm install
# install the FoalTS CLI
npm install -g @foal/cli


  1. change directory into the aq-touchpoint-samples directory
cd <your path to>/aq-touchpoint-samples
  1. Edit the (hidden) file called .env
vi .env
  1. Modify the configuration values with the specifics for your tenant.

Run Server

#run the development server
npm run dev

Open static page



Modify Authentication Credentials

Modify Issuance Credential Attributes Or

Modify config which specifies auth, touchpoint and credential settings

Integrating your Application using AffinitiQuest Touchpoints

The AffinitiQuest Credential Orchestration system provides an abstraction called "TouchPoint" (TP). TouchPoints provide easy integration for 3rd-party applications. A touchpoint is configured through the AffinitiQuest administration portal.

There are three primitive touchpoint types that can be configured:

  • Issue
    • used to issue a credential and is bound to a particular credential design and issuer
    • the 3rd-party may provide a webhook that can be used to fetch the attribute values that should be used in the credential
    • the 3rd-party may provide a webhook that can be used to notify that a credential has been successfully issued.
  • Verify
    • used to verify a credential and is bound to a particular proof design
    • the 3rd-party may provide a webhook that can be used to notify that a credential has been successfully verified.
  • Revoke
    • used to revoke a credential and is bound to a particular credential design and issuer

Each configured touchpoint is assigned a unique identifier.

TouchPoint Web APIs

GET /api/touchpoint/:touchpointId/auth

Requests a JWT token to be used with as a auth_jwt attribute with any of the touchpoint web components. HTTP Basic Auth Header:

Authorization: Basic <your-base-64-encoded-tenantId:api-key>

200 OK Response Body


GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/open

Kicks off the invocation of a TouchPoint.

HTTP Basic Auth Header:

Authorization: Basic <your-base-64-encoded-tenantId:api-key>
Query Parameter Default Notes
lang "en-ca" Optional: locale/language preference
format "none" Optional: enumeration: ["none", "html-tag", "html-page"]
layout Optional: enueration: ["none", "minimal", "compact", "full"]
appContext "" Optional: string representing the application context

Response is the touchpoint Configuration:

  "threadId": "<uuid>",
  "touchpoint": {
    "id": "<uuid>",
    "type": "<issue|verify|revoke>",
    "name": "touchpoint Name",
    "description": "description of touchpoint",
    "title": "Title for this touchpoint",
    "timeToLiveInSeconds": "300",
    "accessToken": "<jwt-that-can-be-used-with-this-touchpoint">,
    "layout": "<none|minimal|compact|full>"
  "authority": {
    "name": "Name of Issuing or Verifying Authority",
    "logo": "url-for-logo-of-authority",
  "render": { // this may not exist if format=none 
    "contentType": "text/html",
    "content": "<aq-touchpoint/> rendered into a page or only the tag"

If format is html-tag, then it can be injected into the browser DOM.

GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/open

Kicks off the invocation of a TouchPoint by id returning a touchpoint descriptor. Unlike the previous API, this one does not open an event stream but only communicates events via webhooks.

Query Parameter Default Notes
lang "en-ca" Optional: locale/language preference
render "none" Optional: enumeration: ["text/html", "none"]. Default "none" in which case the render property in the response will be null
appContext "" Optional: string representing the application context
threadId "" Optional: UUID V4 string. Should be random. If not supplied, one will be auto-generated.

TouchpointDescriptor Response Body

  "threadId": "<Guid>",
  "touchpoint": {
    "id": "touchpointid",
    "type": "<issue|verify>",
    "name": "<credential design name|proof design name>",
    "title": "Title shown on <aq-touchpoint/> component",
    "walletName": "Name of Wallet shown in <aq-touchpoint/> component",
    "timeToLiveInSeconds": 600
  "brand": {
    "name": "Name of Brand",
    "logo": "data:image/png,%89PNG%0D%0A..."
  "action": {
    "url": "https://some-server/path",
    "qrCode": "data:image/png,%89PNG%0D%0A..." // QrCode representing the actionUrl
  "render": {
    "contentType":   "<none|text/html>",
    "content": "content to render"

GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/publickey/{kid}

Retrieves the publicKey used to validate the claimsJWT

ResponseBody with Content-Type: application/x-pem-file

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

POST /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/validate-claims-jwt

Validates a jwt associated with a touchpoint.

POST Request Body

  "jwt": "the-jwt-value"

ResponseBody with Content-Type: /application/json See ClaimsJwt Format For Issuance. See ClaimsJwt Format For Verification

TouchPoint Webhooks

TouchPoint Issue Attributes Request Webhook

If a TouchPoint entity includes a issueAttributesWebhookUrl then, upon TouchPoint open, the webhook will be invoked by issuing an HTTP GET to the specified url with any specified headers. An optional query parameter app_context may be provided if the open request on the webhook provided an app_context.

The invocation will be something like GET ?touchpointId=&jwt=&app_context=

This should return a JSON payload that describes the attributes to be populated in the credential. This should reflect the attributes described in the Credential Design created in the AffinitiQuest admin portal. The validFrom value defaults to the time of issuance. The validUntil value defaults to the time of issuance plus the expiry in the credential design. The format of the claims should reflect the values expected by the type of credential. For example, if it is a verified credential, it should contain the attribute values expected for that credential design schema. If it is an mdoc, it should match the expected mdoc format..

Attribute Name Description
validFrom optional - string indicating the mdoc validFrom date for the credential. Default is the time of issuance
validUntil optional - string indicating the mdoc validUntil date for the credential. Default is the valueFrom date added with the expiry value defined in the credential design
claims an object indicating the credential attributes or mdoc values

VC example response

200 OK
Webhook Response Body
  "validFrom": "2024-02-02T14:33:29.380Z",
  "validUntil": "2024-02-16T14:33:29.380Z",
  "claims": {
    "attributeName1": "attributeValue1",
    "attributeName2": "attributeValue2"

MDOC example response

200 OK
Webhook Response Body
  "validFrom": "2024-02-02T14:33:29.380Z",
  "validUntil": "2024-02-16T14:33:29.380Z",
  "claims": {
    "docType": "com.example.mdoc.mydoc.1",
    "namespaces": [
          "com.example.mdoc.mydoc.1": {
            "attributeName1": "attributeValue1"
          "com.example.mdoc.mydoc.personal.1": {
            "personalAttributeName1": "personalAttributeValue1",
            "personalAttributeName2": "personalAttributeValue2",

TouchPoint Success Webhook

If a TouchPoint entity includes a successWebhookUrl then, upon TouchPoint success the webhook will be invoked by executing an HTTP POST to the specified url with any specified headers.

Webhook Request Body
  "touchpoint": {
    "id": "touchpointid",
    "name": "the name of the touchpoint",
    "description": "Description of the TouchPoint",
    "type": "<issue|verify>"
  "brand": {
    "id": "brandid",
    "name": "Name of Brand",
  "appContext": "<Whatever app_context string was provided in the open request",
  "claimsJwt": "the JWT containing claim attributes that were issued or verified",
  "revocationHandle": "This will only be supplied on issuance for revokable credentials"

If the webhook consumer wishes to validate the received JWT, it must have access to the public key. This can either be provisioned in the webhook consumer app or it can retrieve it dynamically using the previously described web API GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/publickey/{kid}

TouchPoint Web Component - <aq-touchpoint/>

<aq-touchpoint/> connects to the AffinitiQuest backend over a websocket so it can receive status events. The use and management of the websocket completely managed by the component as long as it can authenticate using the methods described below.

Attribute Name Description
auth_url required unless auth_jwt is provided
auth_method optional defaults to 'GET' for use with auth_url
auth_jwt required unless auth_url is provided
tp_id required - identifier of the touchpoint
app_context optional - string provided to any invoked webhooks
lang optional - defaults to "en-ca"
success_redirect_url optional - url browser should navigate to upon success
fail_redirect_url optional - url browser should navigate to upon failure
logging log to browser console "true" or "false". default = "false"
action_url optional url that gets encoded into the QR Code
succeeded_image_url optional url to an image displayed when the touchpoint succeeds
failed_image_url optional url to an image displayed when the touchpoint fails
spinner_image_url optional url to an image displayed when the touchpoint QR Code is scanned by a wallet
timer_complete_image_url optional optional url to an image displayed when the touchpoint times out
title optional title string
wallet_name optional wallet name
color optional QR Code color
background_color optional QR Code background color
text_color optional color of presented text
text_background_color optional background color behind presented text
authority_name optional authority name string
authority_logo_url optional url to an image representing the logo of the authority
action optional action enumeration, one of 'issue', 'revoke', or 'verify'
qrcode_size optional width&height in pixels of QR Code (default 150)
qrcode_rounding_radius optional roundedness of the QR Code (valid range 0.0 - 0.5 where 0.5 is the most round and 0.0 is square)
time_to_live optional number of seconds before QR Code will timeout
layout optional layout enumeration, one of 'none', 'minimal', 'compact' or 'full'
countdown optional defaults to true for layout='compact' and layout='full'

Events sent over a websocket from the server to the web component.

Event Description
configured The touchpoint has received it's configuration based on the AffinitiQuest touchpoint definition
triggered a wallet has scanned the QRcode
unauthorized open touchpoint with supplied auth_jwt failed with 401. Likely token expired.
failed the touchpoint has failed
succeeded the touchpoint has succeeded
timeout the touchpoint has not completed within the allotted time

"configured" event data

  "threadId": "<uuid>",
  "touchpoint": {
    "id": "<uuid>",
    "type": "<issue|verify|revoke>",
    "name": "touchpoint Name",
    "description": "description of touchpoint",
    "title": "Title for this touchpoint",
    "timeToLiveInSeconds": "300",
    "accessToken": "<jwt-that-can-be-used-with-this-touchpoint">,
    "layout": "<none|minimal|compact|full>"
  "authority": {
    "name": "Name of Issuing or Verifying Authority",
    "logo": "url-for-logo-of-authority",

"succeeded" event data

  "type": "succeeded",
  "threadId": "<Guid>",
  "touchpoint": {
    "id": "b28902f1-f023-4cee-b341-a5f07658fd83",
    "type": "verify",
    "name": " Membership Proof",
    "description": "Verify Membership Card",
    "title": "Check - Membership Card"
  "brand": {
    "name": "",
    "id": "a5f3ce61-6ad0-434b-a89b-d1d9fc8f6f58"
  "appContext": "",
  "claimsJwt": "see claimsJwt³ formats below",
  "credentialDesignId": "f24502f1-f023-4cee-b341-a5f076584683"
  "revocationHandle": "This will only be provided on issuance for revocable credentials"

³the claimsJwt contains claim attributes that were issued or verified. The JWT can be validated using the RSA public key received in the ResponseBody when doing a GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointid}/publickey

claimsJwt Format for Issuance
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1680287023,
  "exp": 1680287323,
  "operation": "issue",
  "claims": {
    "Organization Id": "7",
    "Organization": "Affiniti Quest",
    "Contact Id": "11",
    "Contact": "Warren Gallagher",
    "Email": "",
    "Member Class": "Member",
    "Member Role": "",
    "__credentialId__": "d3d17ca2-af17-47d1-a922-d2a96fc44ba7"
claimsJwt Format for Verification
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1680287248,
  "exp": 1680287548,
  "operation": "verify",
  "claims": [
      "authority": "",
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-18T00:51:38.000Z",
      "type": [
      "status": "active"
      "claims": {
        "__credentialId__": "d3d17ca2-af17-47d1-a922-d2a96fc44ba7",
        "Organization Id": "7",
        "Organization": "Affiniti Quest",
        "Contact Id": "11",
        "Contact": "Warren Gallagher",
        "Email": "",
        "Member Class": "Member",
        "Member Role": ""
      "authority": "",
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-18T11:51:38.000Z",
      "type": [
      "status": "active"
      "claims": {
        "__credentialId__": "ca241066-0511-4fbc-81bc-a386340871d8",
        "name": "Warren Gallagher",
        "address": "12345 Someplace Rd, SomeTown, ON K0B 7C0",
        "phoneNumber": "555-123-4567"
Methods Description
decodeJwt(jwtToDecode) can be called from success event handler as event.currentTarget.decodeJwt(event.detail.claimsJwt)
asyncGetPublicKey() can be called from success event handler as const publicKey = await event.currentTarget.asyncGetPublicKey()
<!-- example -->
<aq-touchpoint auth_url="/api/authenticate" tp_id="a uuid for a touchpoint" lang="en-ca" success_redirect_url="/membership-issued" />

The component will utilize the afore mentioned APIs. It further will change it's visual appearance and behaviour based on the TouchPoint Type that it receives as part of the response to the GET /api/touchpoint/{touchpointId}/open request.

Key Management

When claim attributes (either issued or verified) are being delivered to a 3rd-party application, they are provided in the form of a JWT asymmetrically signed using RS256.

As a result there is a need to generate and manage RSA keys used for this purpose.

Key Generation

When a new brand is created a 2048 bit RSA key pair will be generated and stored.

Signing JWT

When a touchpoint success event is being generated the RSA private key associated with the brand to which the TouchPoint belongs will be retrieved and used to sign the claimsJwt.


Issue Flow

    actor User-Browser
    actor User-Wallet
    participant aq-touchpoint
    participant Website
    participant AQ-API

    User-Browser ->> Website : Open page
    Website ->> User-Browser : Page that uses <aq-touchpoint/>
    User-Browser ->> AQ-API : GET
    AQ-API ->> User-Browser : 200 OK - <aq-touchpoint/> web component implementation
    aq-touchpoint ->> Website : GET /api/auth/:touchpointId
    Website ->> AQ-API : GET
    AQ-API ->> Website: 200 OK with auth token
    Website ->> aq-touchpoint : 200 OK with auth token
    aq-touchpoint ->> AQ-API: connect websocket to and emit '/touchpoint/open' event
    Note over AQ-API,Website: Ask Website to provide claims attributes for credential
    AQ-API ->> Website: GET /api/aqio/issue-attributes?app_context="something"
    Website ->> AQ-API: 200 OK {"claims":{"attr1": "value", "attr2": "value"}}
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit '/touchpoint/config'
    User-Wallet ->> AQ-API : Scan QR Code POST{id}/offer
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit event '/touchpoint/triggered'
    aq-touchpoint ->> User-Browser: Invoke registered event=triggered handler
    User-Wallet ->> AQ-API : Credential Accepted
    Note over AQ-API,Website: issue-success-webhook event includes claims JWT
    AQ-API ->> Website: POST /api/aqio/issue-success-webhook
    Website ->> AQ-API: 200 OK
    Note over AQ-API,aq-touchpoint: emit event '/touchpoint/succeeded' includes claims JWT
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit '/touchpoint/succeeded
    aq-touchpoint ->> User-Browser: Invoke registered event=succeeded handler

Verify Flow

    actor User-Browser
    actor User-Wallet
    participant aq-touchpoint
    participant Website
    participant AQ-API

    User-Browser ->> Website : Open page
    Website ->> User-Browser : Page that uses <aq-touchpoint/>
    User-Browser ->> AQ-API : GET
    AQ-API ->> User-Browser : 200 OK - <aq-touchpoint/> web component implementation
    aq-touchpoint ->> Website : GET /api/auth/:touchpointId
    Website ->> AQ-API : GET
    AQ-API ->> Website: 200 OK with auth token
    Website ->> aq-touchpoint : 200 OK with auth token
    aq-touchpoint ->> AQ-API: Open websocket to and emit event '/touchpoint/open' with app_context="something"
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit event '/touchpoint/config'
    User-Wallet ->> AQ-API : Scan QR Code POST{id}/offer
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit event '/touchpoint/triggered'
    aq-touchpoint ->> User-Browser: Invoke registered event=triggered handler
    AQ-API ->> User-Wallet : Send credential presentation request
    User-Wallet ->> AQ-API : Presentaion Shared
    Note over AQ-API,Website: verify-success-webhook event includes claims JWT
    AQ-API ->> Website: POST /api/aqio/verify-success-webhook
    Website ->> AQ-API: 200 OK
    Note over AQ-API,aq-touchpoint: succeeded event includes claims JWT
    AQ-API ->> aq-touchpoint: emit event '/touchpoint/succeeded'
    aq-touchpoint ->> User-Browser: Invoke registered event=succeeded handler


Sample code to show integration of AffinitiQuest credential orchestration platform using web components


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