Source code for the paper "Automated Detection of Peripheral Artery Disease From High Resolution Color Fundus Photographs"
by Mueller, S et al.
- include/ - scirpts providing classes for the creation of models, datasets and general convenience functions
- scripts/ - standalone scripts that are used to prepare the data or generate visualizations
- - main script to run the training using cross-validation
- - script to search for optimal hyperparameters across one fold in the dataset
- - script to run the training process for the MIL model on a training and validation set
- - script to convert the raw dataset into folds and generate label files for the training
All training scripts are configured using the *.toml files.
Example for executing the k-fold training
python --data <path_to_data> --epochs 20 -k 7 -s "MIL" --model <path_to_pretrained_model>