CPU Temperature Monitor for PRTG Custom EXE/Script Sensor - Takes last line/row, and the and takes the 2nd-9th column, of a CSV log file and parses the data into console display an XML file compatible with PTRG network monitor tool for Windows.
- Install Core Temp (http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/) to comfigure to "Start Core Temp with Windows" AND "Enable logging on startup".
- Copy PS1 file to your C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXEXML directory
- Set custom variables for your log files for directory, warning temp, and error temp. Written for 8 cores. You will need to edit script for your # of cores on your CPU in two areas ($dataArray and $temparray)
- Create a Custom EXE/Script Sensor in the PRTG web gui, using the CoreTempFromLog.ps1 as the custom script.
Note - Only works on PRTG Probe computer (unless you have access to log file via share).