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Merge pull request #44 from syanbo/v2.x
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syanbo authored Mar 7, 2019
2 parents 6a206ae + 803ef9d commit 119b20a
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180 changes: 1 addition & 179 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -53,177 +53,7 @@ Either way, then link with:

#### RtcEngine Methods

| Method Name | Parameters | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| init | [Option](#Option) | create and initialize AgoraRtcEngine instance, notice: invoke this method, it will start subscribe events |
| Promise<any> joinChannel | String channelName, Number uid, String? token, String? extraInfo | join channel|
| on | String: [EventType](#Events), Handler: Function | addEventListener for native module events |
| off | String: [EventType](#Events) | removeEventListeners for native module events |
| removeAllListeners | void | remove all event listeners |
| destroy | void | destroy AgoraRtcEngine instance |
| getSdkVersion | Function: callback | get sdk version |
| Promise<any> enableLastmileTest | void | enable network quality test |
| Promise<any> disableLastmileTest | void | disable network quality test |
| Promise<any> leaveChannel | void | quit channel |
| setupLocalVideo | Number: uid, Number: renderMode, Number: reactTag | setup local video |
| setupRemoteVideo | Number: uid, Number: renderMode, Number: reactTag | setup remote video |
| startPreview | void | open video preview |
| stopPreview | void | close video preview |
| setLiveTranscoding | [LiveTranscoding](#LiveTranscoding) | start live trancoding |
| setLocalRenderMode | Number: mode | set local video render mode |
| setRemoteRenderMode | Number: uid, Number: mode | set remote video render mode |
| enableAudioVolumeIndication | Number: interval, Number smooth | enable speaker volume notification|
| Promise<any> switchCamera | void | switch mobile camera |
| enableVideo | void | enable video |
| disableVideo | void | disable video |
| setEnableSpeakerphone | Boolean: enabled | set enable speaker phone |
| Promise<any> setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled | Boolean: enabled | set camera auto focus face mode |
| setDefaultAudioRouteToSpeakerphone | Boolean: enabled | set default audio route to speaker phone |
| Promise<any> setCameraTorchOn | Boolean: enabled | set camera torch on |
| muteLocalAudioStream | Boolean: enabled | mute/unmute local audio |
| muteRemoteAudioStream | Number: uid, Boolean: enabled | mute/unmute remote audio by uid |
| muteAllRemoteAudioStreams | Boolean: enabled | mute/unmute all remote audio |
| muteLocalVideoStream | Boolean: enabled | mute/unmute local video stream |
| enableLocalVideo | Boolean: enabled | set enabled status to local video |
| muteAllRemoteVideoStreams | void | mute/unmute all remote videos |
| muteRemoteVideoStream | Number: uid, Boolean: enabled | mute/unmute remote video by uid |
| Promise<any> createDataStream | Boolean: reliable, Boolean: ordered | createDataStream |
| Promise<any> renewToken | String: token | renew token |
| Promise<any> getConnectionState | void | return connection state |
| setClientRole | Number: role(1: host, 2: audience) | change client role |
| enableAudio | void | enable audio |
| disableAudio | void | disable audio |
| enableLocalAudio | Boolean: enable | enable/disable local audio |
| muteLocalAudioStream | Boolean: mute | enable/disable local audio stream |
| muteAllRemoteAudioStreams | Boolean: mute | enable/disable all remote audio streams |
| muteRemoteAudioStream | Number: uid, Boolean: mute | mute/unmute remote audio stream by uid |
| adjustRecordingSignalVolume | Number: volume | Adjusts the recording volume. |
| adjustPlaybackSignalVolume | Number: volume | Adjusts the playback volume. |
| enableAudioVolumeIndication | Number: interval, Number: smooth | Enables the onAudioVolumeIndication callback at a set time interval to report on which users are speaking and the speakers' volume. |
| Promise<any> startAudioRecording | {filePath: String, quality: int} | start audio recording |
| Promise<any> stopAudioRecoding | void | stop audio recording |
| methodisSpeakerphoneEnabled | void | Checks whether the speakerphone is enabled.|| enableInEarMonitoring | Boolean: enabled | enable/disable in-ear monitoring |
| setInEarMonitoringVolume | Number: volume | Sets the volume of the in-ear monitor. |
| setLocalVoicePitch | Number(double): pitch | Changes the voice pitch of the local speaker. |
| setLocalVoiceEqualization | Number: bandFrequency, Number: bandGain | Sets the local voice equalization effect. |
| setLocalVoiceReverb | Number: reverbKey, Number: value | Sets the local voice reverberation.|
| startAudioMixing | {filepath: String, loopback: Boolean, replace: Boolean, cycle: Int} | [android]( & [ios]( |
| stopAudioMixing | void | stop audio mixing |
| pauseAudioMixing | void | [android]( & [ios]( |
| resumeAudioMixing | void | resume audio mixing |
| adjustAudioMixingVolume | Number: volume | adjust audio mixing volume, call this method when you are in a channel |
| adjustAudioMixingPlayoutVolume | Number: volume | adjust audio mixing playout volume, call this method when you are in a channel |
| adjustAudioMixingPublishVolume | Number: volume | Adjusts the volume of audio mixing for publishing (sending to other users). call this method when you are in a channel. |
| Promise<any> getAudioMixingDuration | void | Gets the duration (ms) of the music file. Call this method when you are in a channel. |
| Promise<any> getAudioMixingCurrentPosition | void | Gets the playback position (ms) of the music file. Call this method when you are in a channel. |
| Promise<any> setAudioMixingPosition | Number: pos | Sets the playback position (ms) of the music file to a different starting position (the default plays from the beginning). |
| Promise<any> getEffectsVolume | void | Retrieves the volume of the audio effects. |
| Promise<any> setEffectsVolume | Number(double): volume | Sets the volume of the audio effects. |
| Promise<any> setVolumeOfEffect | Number: soundId, Number(double): volume | Sets the volume of a specified audio effect. |
| Promise<any> playEffect | {soundId: Number, filePath: String, loopCount: Number, pitch: Number(double), gain: Boolean, publish: Boolean} | Plays a specified audio effect. [android]( & [ios]( |
| Promise<any> stopEffect | Number: soundId | Stops playing a specified audio effect. |
| Promise<any> stopAllEffects | void | Stops all playing audio effects. |
| Promise<any> preloadEffect | Number: soundid, String: filepath | Preloads a specified audio effect file into the memory. Supported audio formats: mp3, aac, m4a, 3gp, wav.|
| Promise<any> unloadEffect | Number: soundId | Releases a specified preloaded audio effect from the memory. |
| Promise<any> pauseEffect | Number: soundId | Pauses a specified audio effect. |
| Promise<any> pauseAllEffects | void | Pauses all audio effects. |
| Promise<any> resumeEffect | void | Resumes playing a specified audio effect. |
| Promise<any> resumeAllEffects | void | Resumes playing all audio effects. |
| setAudioSessionOperationRestriction | void | [ios only]( |
| Promise<any> startEchoTest | void | Starts an audio call test. |
| Promise<any> stopEchoTest | void | Stop the audio call test. |
| Promise<any> setRecordingAudioFrameParameters | {sampleRate: Number, channel: Number, mode: Number, samplesPerCall: Number } | Sets the audio recording format for the RecordFrame callback. |
| Promise<any> setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters | {sampleRate: Number, channel: Number, mode: Number, samplesPerCall: Number } | Sets the audio playback format for the onPlaybackFrame callback. |
| Promise<any> addVideoWatermark | {url: String, x: Number, y: Number, width: Number, height: Number } | add video watermark |
| clearVideoWatermarks | void | remove the watermark image from the video stream added by addVideoWatermark |
| setLocalPublishFallbackOption | Number: [option(0, 1, 2)](| [android]( & [ios]( |
| setRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption | Number: [option (0, 1, 2)](| [android]( & [ios]( |
| Promise<any> enableDualStreamMode | Boolean: enabled | Enables/disables dual-stream mode. |
| setRemoteVideoStreamType | { uid: Number, streamType: Number } | Sets the video stream type of the remotely subscribed video stream. |
| setRemoteDefaultVideoStreamType | { streamType: Number } | Sets the default video stream type of the remotely subscribed video stream. |
| Promise<any> addInjectStreamUrl | [InjectionStream](#InjectionStream) | Injects an online media stream to a live broadcast. |
| Promise<any> removePublishStreamUrl | String: url | Removes a CDN live stream URL address. |
| Promise<any> setVideoQualityParameters | Boolean: quality |
Sets the preference option for the video quality (Live broadcast only). |
| Promise<any> setLocalVideoMirrorMode | Number: mode | Sets the local video mirror mode. |
| Promise<any> switchCamera | void | Switches between front and rear cameras. |
| Promise<any> isCameraZoomSupported | void | Checks whether the camera zoom function is supported. |
| Promise<any> isCameraTorchSupported | void | Checks whether the camera flash function is supported. |
| Promise<any> isCameraFocusSupported | void | Checks whether the camera manual focus function is supported. |
| Promise<any> isCameraExposurePositionSupported | void |Checks whether the camera exposure function is supported. |
| Promise<any> isCameraAutoFocusFaceModeSupported | void | Checks whether the camera face auto-focus function is supported. |
| Promise<any> setCameraZoomFactor | Number(float): zoomFactor | Sets the camera zoom ratio. |
| Promise<any> getCameraMaxZoomFactor | void | Gets the maximum zoom ratio of the camera.[android only]( |
| Promise<any> setCameraFocusPositionInPreview | {x: Number(double), y: Number(double) } | Sets the camera manual focus position.|
| Promise<any> setCameraExposurePosition | {x: Number(double), y: Number(double) } | Sets the camera exposure position.|
| Promise<any> setCameraTorchOn | Boolean isOn | Enables the camera flash function. |
| Promise<any> setCameraAutoFocusFaceModeEnabled | Boolean enabled | Enables the camera auto-face focus function. |
| Promise<any> getCallId | void | getcalll id |
| Promise<any> setLog | filePath: String, level: Number | specifies an SDK output log file. |
| addPublishStreamUrl | { url: String, enabled: Boolean } | Adds a CDN live stream URL address. it must be invoked after invoking setLiveTranscoding |
| removePublishStreamUrl | { url: String } | Removes a CDN live stream URL address. |

#### Option
export interface Option {
appid: String,
videoProfile: number
channelProfile: number,
videoEncoderConfig: VideoEncoderConfig,
clientRole: number,
audioProfile: number,
audioScenario: number

export interface VideoEncoderConfig {
width: number,
height: number,
bitrate: number,
frameRate: number,
orientationMode: number,

#### LiveTranscoding
export interface LiveTranscoding {
size: Size,
videoBitrate: number,
videoFramerate: number,
lowLatency: boolean,
videoGop: number,
videoCodecProfile: number,
transcodingUsers: Array<TranscodingUser>,
transcodingExtraInfo: string,
watermark: BackgroundImage,
backgroundImage: BackgroundImage,
backgroundColor: Color,
audioSampleRate: number,
audioBitrate: number,
audioChannels: number,

#### InjectionStream
export interface InjectionStream {
config: {
size: {
width: Number,
height: Number,
videoGop: Number,
videoBitrate: Number,
audioBitrate: Number,
audioSampleRate: Number,
videoFrameRate: Number
audioChannels: Number
## [API DOCS](./docs/api/globals.html)

#### Events

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,14 +120,6 @@ RtcEngine.on('eventName', (data) => {
| mediaEngineLoaded | Occurs when the media engine is loaded. | all |
| mediaEngineStartCall | Occurs when the media engine starts. | all |

#### AgoraView Component

| Name | Description |
| -------------- | -------------------- |
| showLocalVideo | boolean: (true | false) enable/disable video view |
| remoteUid | uid for remote |
| zOrderMediaOverlay (Android only) | enable zorder to media overlay |

## Resources
* Complete [API documentation]( at the Developer Center
* [File bugs about this sample](
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions android/src/main/java/com/syan/agora/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ public void onAudioEffectFinished(final int soundId) {
public void run() {
WritableMap map = Arguments.createMap();
map.putInt("soundId", soundId);
map.putInt("soundid", soundId);
sendEvent(getReactApplicationContext(), AGAudioEffectFinish, map);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ public void startAudioRecording(ReadableMap options, Promise promise) {
try {
int res = AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine
if (res != 0) throw new ReactNativeAgoraException("startAudioRecording Failed", res);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ public void disableLastmileTest(Promise promise) {

public void setRecordingAudioFrameParameters(WritableMap options, Promise promise) {
public void setRecordingAudioFrameParameters(ReadableMap options, Promise promise) {
try {
int res = AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine
Expand All @@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@ public void setRecordingAudioFrameParameters(WritableMap options, Promise promis

public void setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters(WritableMap options, Promise promise) {
public void setPlaybackAudioFrameParameters(ReadableMap options, Promise promise) {
try {
int res = AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ public AgoraImage createAgoraImage(ReadableMap options) {

public void addVideoWatermark(WritableMap options, Promise promise) {
public void addVideoWatermark(ReadableMap options, Promise promise) {
try {
int res = AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2309,9 +2309,9 @@ public void playEffect(ReadableMap options, Promise promise) {
try {
IAudioEffectManager manager = AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine.getAudioEffectManager();
int res = manager.playEffect(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2448,13 +2448,13 @@ public void resumeAllEffects(int soundId, Promise promise) {

// set local video render mode
public void setLocalRenderMode(int mode) {

// set remote video render mode
public void setRemoteRenderMode(int uid, int mode) {
AgoraManager.getInstance().mRtcEngine.setRemoteRenderMode(uid, mode);
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