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Work in progress

The go-ipfs directory is forked from go-ipfs v0.12.2, but the important part are the changes in gateway_handler.go and pubsub.go.

Other modules like go-libp2p-kad-dht and go-namesys have also been forked and included in this repo. They contain multiple changes to improve IPNS publish time. See this PR for details.


While this gateway is designed for mobile usage, you can build it for desktop for debugging and development. Just run go build.

For mobile, an Android library file (.aar) is built, to be imported and used in an Android project. We have created a docker container that has all the required dependencies to make building easy. Just run:

docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/module makeworld/gomobile-android bind -target=android/arm -javapkg=moe.mauve.agregore.ipfs -o agregore-ipfs-daemon.aar ./gateway

Note: the container image is 4.1 GB uncompressed


Currently Go 1.17 is required, Go 1.18 will not work due to this issue which affects the go-ipfs version included in this repo.

Instead of running go mod tidy run:

go mod tidy && go get -d

go mod tidy will remove the dependency on which is required for the Android build. Running the command above will tidy things, but keep the dependency intact.


This repo is dual-licensed under the MIT and APACHE2 licenses. Please see LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE2 for details.