My name is Ahmad Omar Shalein, 25 years, A holder a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from BAU. Also, I was enrolled in a six intensive months program for Advanced Software Development by LTUC-Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair School of Advanced Computing.
You can contact with me here --> LinkedIn profile
Assignment | Link |
Read01 | The Coder's Computer |
Read02 | Learning Markdown |
Read03 | Structure web pages with HTML |
Read04 | Programming with JavaScript |
Read05 | Operators and Loops |
Read06 | Design web pages with CSS |
Assignment | Link |
Read001 | Introductory HTML and JavaScript |
Read002 | HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions |
Read003 | HTML Lists, Control Flow with JS, and the CSS Box Model |
Read004 | HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions |
Read005 | HTML Images; CSS Color & Text |
Read006 | Problem Domain, Objects, and the DOM |
Read007 | Object-Oriented Programming, HTML Tables |
Read008 | More CSS Layout |
Read009 | Forms and JS Events |
Read010 | JS Debugging |
Read011 | Assorted Topics |
Read012 | Docs for the HTML canvas Element & Chart.js |
Read013 | Local Storage |
Read014a | CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations |
Read014b | What Google Learned About Teams |
Assignment | Link |
Read-01 | Introduction to React and Components |
Read-02 | State and Props |
Read-03 | Passing Functions as Props |
Read-04 | React and Forms |
Read-05 | Putting it all together |
Read-06 | NODE.JS |
Read-07 | REST |
Read-08 | APIs |
Read-10 | In memory storage |
Read-11 | Authentication |
Read-12 | Mongo and Mongoose |
Read-13 | CRUD |
Assignment | Link |
Read-001 | Class 01 |
Read-002 | Testing and Modules |
Read-003 | FileIO & Exceptions |
Read-004 | Topic |
Read-005 | Linked Lists |
Read-006 | Game of Greed 1 |
Read-007 | Game of Greed 2 |
Read-008 | Game of Greed 3 |
Read-009 | Game of Greed 4 |
Read-010 | Stacks and Queues |
Read-011 | Data Analysis |
Read-012 | Pandas |
Read-013 | Linear Regressions |
Read-014 | Data Visualization |
Read-015 | Trees |
Read-016 | Machine Learning Intro |
Read-017 | Web Scraping |
Read-018 | Cryptography |
Read-019 | Automation |
Read-026 | Intro to Django |
Read-027 | Django Models |
Read-028 | Django CRUD and Forms |
Read-029 | Django Custom User |
Read-030 | Hash Tables |
Read-031 | Django REST Framework & Docker |
Read-032 | Permissions & Postgresql |
Read-033 | Authentication & Production Server |
Read-034 | API Deployment |
Read-036 | DSA Review |
Read-037 | React 1 |
Read-038 | React 2 |
Read-039 | React 3 |
Read-041 | React 4 |
Read-042 | Pythonisms |
Read-042 | Ethics |
Read-043 | Open-Source Software Contribution |