This package is all what you need to enhance, validate, and format your phone numbers. FOR ALL COUNTRIES! 😍
- Install the package using the below script:
$ npm i -S @solocreativestudio/phoneformatter
- Import the package helper class in the old way:
const PhoneFormat = require("@solocreativestudio/phoneformatter");
or in the new way
import * as PhoneFormat from "@solocreativestudio/phoneformatter";
or you can get it directly to your vanilla js:
<script src=""></script>
- Use the function
to get all possible formats for your phone. It accepts two arguments the first one is the number the second one it the country iso3 (code) ex:
PhoneFormat.getAllFormats("٠٧٨١٠٠٠٠٩٨٣", "iq");
// returns
{ isNumber: true,
globalZ: '009647810000983',
globalP: '+9647810000983',
globalK: '9647810000983',
domestic: '07810000983',
domestic2: '7810000983',
format1: '(781) 000-0983',
format2: '781.000.0983',
{ iso2: 'IQ',
name: 'Iraq',
iso3: 'IRQ',
unicode: '🇮🇶',
dial: '964',
currency: 'IQD',
capital: 'Baghdad',
continent: 'AS',
min: 8
The number accept all kind of string or numbers you can send a string like +(964) 000-0000
, ٠٨٩٠٠٨٨٧٧٦٦٢
, 987624k3434
- You can also use the function
which accepts a number and it will return the country object. ex:
// returns
{ iso2: 'SY',
name: 'Syria',
iso3: 'SYR',
unicode: '🇸🇾',
dial: '963',
currency: 'SYP',
capital: 'Damascus',
continent: 'AS'
// Another ex
// returns
{ iso2: 'CA',
name: 'Canada',
iso3: 'CAN',
unicode: '🇨🇦',
dial: '1',
currency: 'CAD',
capital: 'Ottawa',
continent: 'NA'
You can check your country iso code from this link
Contact us if you need any other features using this email 😁