Completly free simple admin template starter for React.
Only core functionalities in order to avoid huge refactor/cleaning.
Ready to start new project, small amount of dependencies, easy configuration, modern and fast.
Created by trainers for training participants.
- React (without jQuery etc.)
- TypeScript
- React Hooks
- Redux
- Responsive (adjusted to mobile devices)
- React-router-dom
- Bootstrap 4
- Modern, clean, readable layout
- Authentication
- Clean, easy, ready to start new project
It's completly free (no commercial versions)
Clone repository
$ git clone React-Admin-Template
$ cd React-Admin-Template
npm install will install all modules listed as dependencies in package.json file.
It will run application in http://localhost:3000
Builds the production version of app and put it into build folder. Now you can use these files to perform real production deployment.
Contributions are always welcome!
To the extent possible under law, Przemek Struciński has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.