This project contains two separated folders(not related to one another):
- Frontend - which uses Angular to create interactive webpage.
- App - which has Flask API, ML models and templates which constitutes the app.
NOTE: You'll need to use python3. Using venv(virtual environment) is recommended.
Clone and setup a virtual environment:
git clone
cd GEHackathon/App
Install dependencies:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
File Structure
|-- MLmodels/ # Contains all the trained models for ML
| |-- ....
| |-- ....
|-- templates/ # html files
|-- static/ # js, css, images, favicons, etc
|-- files/ # contains the DEIDENTIFIED files
|-- # main app
|-- # api routes to handle requests. Implement ML models here
|-- # database structure/model
|-- requirements.txt
|-- database.db # database file ( this is created automatically )
Accepts the two important request: POST -> http://localhost:5000/deidentify: (Deidentifies data)
file: '@filename' // @filename is the name of the file to be deidentified
key: 'random_key_value' // required to reidentify parts of the deidentified file (eg: date, name, etc)
file: 'file contents' // deidentified file contents
POST -> http://localhost:5000/reidentify: (Reidentifies data)
key: 'random_key_value' // key for reidentification
identify: ['date', 'name', 'adhar', .... ] // (optional) tells which parts to identify
file: 'file_contents' // reidentified file