Ai Akaishi's Utils Library Datapack
- 1.20.3
For the following versions, please check Releases on the right.
- 1.19.4
- 1.20.1
Anywhere Function(
- 基本 / Basics
- 関数の上書き / Override functions
- 関数の追加 / Add functions
- Advanced関数 / What are the Advanced Functions?
- お助け機能 / Helper feature
現在標準で対応している関数一覧 / Default Supported Functions
- util: in に入力を設定します。
data modify storage util: in set value (INPUT/入力) - 関数を呼びます。
function #util:xxx - 結果が取得できます。
data get storage util: out
All functions are defined as function tags in the form of #util:xxx.
Therefore, you can overwrite the behavior from other datapacks without directly rewriting the files in this datapack.
When you want to override the behavior of #util:split.
"replace": true,
"values": [
You can add a new line of any function you like to the help(#util:help).
If you want to add help for #util:your_function
"replace": false,
"values": [
tellraw @s {"text":"function #util:your_function","underlined": true,"clickEvent": {"action": "run_command","value": "/function your_datapack:your_function/help"}}
This is an Advanced Function using some Block.
To ensure that the execution point where the block will be placed is safe, this feature is initially disabled.
If you wish to use it, please follow the next steps to activate it.
- ライブラリが自由に使用しても安全な場所を設定してください。(読み込まれてない場合は自動的にforceloadされます。)
set up a location where it is safe for the library to use freely. (If it is not loaded, it will be forceloaded automatically.)
(The following setting is the default value. Please set your favorite location to suit your world situation.)
data modify storage util: {Pos:[0d,-64d,0d],Rotation:[0f,0f],Dimension:"minecraft:overworld"}
- 使われることのないプレイヤーヘッドを設定します。
Sets the player_head that will never be used.
(The following setting is the default value. Set any player_head you like to suit the situation.)
data modify storage util: settings.unused_player_head set value "MHF_CoconutG"
- Avanced機能を有効化します。
Enable the Avanced Function.
function #util:advanced/on
- Advanced機能を無効化したい場合は次を実行します。
If you want to disable the Advanced Function, run the following command.
function #util:advanced/off
Some functions have a helper feature for easy use.
Please refer to the respective sections for details.
★:Advanced Function; will not work properly unless the Advanced Functions are enabled.
- init(function tag)★
- datetime★
- split
- resolve
- entity_id
- entity_data
- spawn
- xp
- block_states
- display
- pass_through
- distance
- no_exp
- durability
- type
The minecraft:load function tag is executed on world loading, reload, etc...,
but the util:init function tag is only executed on world loading.
You can register any functions you like and use it.
"replace": false,
"values": [
現在の日時を取得します。 / Get the current date and time.
シングルモード(LAN非公開の場合)では時刻がずれる可能性があります。 / In single mode (when LAN is not open to the public), the time may be shifted.
ずれた時刻はreload時に修正されます。 / The time discrepancy will be corrected when reloading.
入力(util: in) : なし(nothing)
出力(util: out): 日時データ({year:int,month:int,day:int,hour:int,minute:int,second:int,weekday:int})
weekday: 0=月曜/Monday, 1=火曜/Tuesday, ... 6:日曜/Sunday
function #util:datetime
data get storage util: out
-> {year: 2023, month: 1, day: 23, hour: 23, minute: 39, second: 35, weekday: 1}
文字を分割します。 / Split a string to chars.
入力(util: in) : 文字列(string)
出力(util: out): 文字リスト([string,...])
data modify storage util: in set value "赤石愛のほうそうきょく"
function #util:split
data get storage util: out
-> ["赤", "石", "愛", "の", "ほ", "う", "そ", "う", "き", "ょ", "く"]
入力(util: in) : JSON component(string)
出力(util: out): Resolved JSON component(string)
data modify storage util: in set value '{"selector":"@s"}'
function #util:resolve
data get storage util: out
-> '{"insertion":"1a62fb69-9c5a-42e9-87b5-b94eaf19403a","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_entity","contents":{"type":"minecraft:armor_stand","id":"1a62fb69-9c5a-42e9-87b5-b94eaf19403a","name":{"translate":"entity.minecraft.armor_stand"}}},"translate":"entity.minecraft.armor_stand"}'
入力(util: in) : なし(nothing)
出力(util: out): entity ID(string)
function #util:entity_id
data get storage util: out
-> "minecraft:armor_stand"
エンティティのNBT dataを取得します。
入力(util: in) : なし(nothing)
出力(util: out): entity data(nbt)
function #util:entity_data
data get storage util: out
-> {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: 1b, Invulnerable: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, FallDistance: 0.0f, Passengers: [{Motion: [0.0d, -0.029999999329447746d, 0.0d], Owner: [I; -1162359358, -155564042, -1197870534, -584156033], Invulnerable: 0b, LeftOwner: 1b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, Rotation: [-4.8231647E-32f, -2.3410684E-32f], FallDistance: 0.0f, Pos: [23.5d, 67.40625d, -30.5d], HasBeenShot: 1b, Fire: -1s, id: "minecraft:snowball"}], Fire: -1s, TileY: 67, TileX: 23, Invisible: 0b, id: "minecraft:item_frame", TileZ: -31, Fixed: 0b}
入力(util: in) : entity data(nbt)
出力(util: out): なし(nothing)
data modify storage util: in set value {Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], Facing: 1b, Invulnerable: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, FallDistance: 0.0f, Passengers: [{Motion: [0.0d, -0.029999999329447746d, 0.0d], Owner: [I; -1162359358, -155564042, -1197870534, -584156033], Invulnerable: 0b, LeftOwner: 1b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, Rotation: [-4.8231647E-32f, -2.3410684E-32f], FallDistance: 0.0f, Pos: [23.5d, 67.40625d, -30.5d], HasBeenShot: 1b, Fire: -1s, id: "minecraft:snowball"}], Fire: -1s, TileY: 67, TileX: 23, Invisible: 0b, id: "minecraft:item_frame", TileZ: -31, Fixed: 0b}
function #util:spawn
-> 指定のエンティティが召喚される / the specified entity spawned.
入力(util: in) : 百分率/percentage(int)
出力(util: out): なし(nothing)
data modify storage util: in set value 87
function #util:xp
-> 経験値バーが次のレベルアップまでの87%になる / The experience bar will be 87% until the next level up.
入力(util: in) : range({x:int,y,int,z:int})
出力(util: out): block_states([[[{Name:string,Properties:{}},...],...],...])
data modify storage util: in set value {x:15,y:10,z:12}
function #util:block_states
data get storage util: out
-> [[[{Properties: {eye: "false", east: "true", half: "bottom", shape: "straight", south: "false", north: "true", west: "true", facing: "south", axis: "y", snowy: "false"}, Name: "minecraft:andesite"}, {Properties: {eye: "false", east: "true", half: "bottom", shape: "straight", south: "false", north: "true", west: "true", facing: "south", axis: "y", snowy: "false"}, Name: "minecraft:granite"}, ...
入力(util: in) : display data({scale:float, tag:string|{...}, block_states:[[[{Name:string,Properties:{}},...],...],...])
出力(util: out): なし(nothing)
data modify storage util: in set value {x:15,y:10,z:12}
function #util:block_states
data modify storage util: in set value {scale: 0.0625f, tag: "Miniature"}
data modify storage util: in.block_states set from storage util: out
function #util:display
-> ブロックディスプレイが表示される / the specified block_displays spawned.
通過領域の移動方向を求めます。(リストの後ろが先頭です。) / Finds the move directions of the pass-through area. (The end of the list is the beginning.)
入力(util: in) : 移動ブロック数(int)
出力(util: out): 移動方向のリスト([string,...])
data modify storage util: in set value 10
execute anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^ run function #util:pass_through
data get storage util: out
-> ["-Y", "-Z", "+X", "-Y", "-Z", "-Y", "+X", "-Z", "-Z", "-Y"]
Gets the distance between the execution point and the executor. The unit is m. There may be some errors depending on the direction.
入力(util: in) : なし(nothing)
出力(util: out): 距離(double) => storage util: out
execute as @p at 0.0 0.0 0.0 run function #util:distance
data get storage util: out
# => 5381.27d
The entity's experience drop will be suppressed. This will also eliminate item drops.
入力(util: in) : なし(nothing)
出力(util: out): なし(nothing)
# 経験値ドロップをなくしたいエンティティに実行させてください。
# execute as an entity that you want to eliminate experience drops.
execute as @e[tag=Mob] at @s run function #util:no_exp
You can make the experience drop disappear by simply giving mobs a NoExp tag.
# 実行すると有効になります。
# The feature will be enabled by running the below.
function #util:no_exp/helper/on
# 実行すると再度有効にするまで無効になります。
# The feature will be disabled by running the below.
function #util:no_exp/helper/off
# 有効な状態ではNoExpタグがついたMobの経験値ドロップを自動的になくします。
# Under the enabled condition, experience drops for mobs tagged with NoExp are automatically eliminated.
execute summon husk run tag @s add NoExp
# => 召喚されたhuskは何もドロップしない / The summoned husk does not drop anything.
It changes the durability value of an item by a percentage.
If the slot is not specified, it is applied to the mainhand.
入力(util: in) : slot and rate({slot:byte,rate:float})
出力(util: out): なし(nothing)
data modify storage util: in set value {slot:103b,rate:0.25f}
execute as @p run function #util:durability
# => 一番近くのプレイヤーの頭装備の耐久値が残り25%になります。
# The nearest player's head equipment has 25% durability value remaining.
# 実行すると有効になります。
# The feature will be enabled by running the below.
function #util:durability/helper/on
# 実行すると再度有効にするまで無効になります。
# The feature will be disabled by running the below.
function #util:durability/helper/off
# Durabilityスコアに数値を設定するとメインハンドのアイテムの耐久値がその数値に応じた割合になります。
# If you set a numerical value for a player's Durability score, the durability value of the item in the mainhand will be a percentage of that value.
scoreboard players set @p Durability 30
# => 一番近くのプレイヤーのメインハンドのアイテムの耐久値が残り30%になる
# The durability value of the item in the nearest player's mainhand is set to 30% remaining.
Gets the type of input.
入力(util: in) : 入力データ(any)
出力(util: out): 型名(string)
以下の名前で返ります。 / Return one of the following list.
byte, short, int, long, float, double, string, list, compound, byte_array, int_array, long_array, or unknown
data modify storage util: in set value 1234567L
function #util:type
data get storage util: out
# => "long"
These codes are released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.