Personal dotfiles backup
These are the dotfiles for my workstation located within the .config
directory. As well as information on the packages and tools I use on my system.
- Window manager: Hyprland (xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland)
- Status bar: Waybar-Hyprland
- Wallpaper daemon: Swww
- Notification daemon: Dunst
- Screen locking utility: Swaylock-effects
- Logout menu: Wlogout
- AUR helper: Paru
- Application launcher: Rofi
- Text editor: Neovim (NVChad framework)
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty (with tmux multiplexer)
- PulseAudio Volume Control: Pavucontrol
- Shell: Zsh, Prezto
- File Manager: nnn
Note: tmux plugins - tmux-sensible, tmux-yank, tpm, vim-tmux-navigator.
- Build Systems: CMake, Make, Meson, Ninja
- Debugger: GDB
- Code Linters and Formatters: Clang-Tidy, Clang-Format
- Linker: Mold
- Version Control: Git