Aimer G. Diaz
awk -v OFS="\t" 'NR==1 {print "AA","Chain","PAA","pLDDT"} !a[$4""$5""$6""$11]++ && $11 ~ /[0-9]/{print $4,$5,$6,$11}' P6_dimmer_model.pdb CaMV_P6_rnk0.pdb > CaMV_P6_plddt.txt
library(ggplot2, quietly = F)
CaMV_P6 <- read.csv("CaMV_P6_plddt.txt", header = T, sep = "\t")
CaMV_P6$Chain <- gsub(pattern = "A", replacement = "Monomer", CaMV_P6$Chain)
CaMV_P6$Chain <- gsub(pattern = "B", replacement = "Dimer-Left", CaMV_P6$Chain)
CaMV_P6$Chain <- gsub(pattern = "C", replacement = "Dimer-Right", CaMV_P6$Chain)
CaMV_P6_plot <- ggplot(CaMV_P6, aes(x=PAA, y=pLDDT, color=Chain)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + ggtitle("pLDDT CaMV P6 as monomer and dimer") +
theme_classic() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
awk -v OFS="\t" 'NR==1 {print "AA","Chain","PAA","pLDDT"} !a[$4""$5""$6""$11]++ && $11 ~ /[0-9]/{print $4,"2a",$6,$11}' CMV_2a_rnk0.pdb > CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt
awk -v OFS="\t" '!a[$4""$5""$6""$11]++ && $11 ~ /[0-9]/{print $4,"G3BP7",$6,$11}' AtG3BP7_AF.pdb >> CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt
# Interaction polarity CMV 2a vs GRBP7
awk -v OFS="\t" '!a[$4""$5""$6""$11]++ && $11 ~ /[0-9]/{prot=$5;gsub("B","2a-right", prot);gsub("C","GRBP7-left", prot);print $4,prot,$6,$11}' CMV2a_GRBP7dis_model_3.cor.pdb >> CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt
# Change of order GRBP7 vs CMV 2a
awk -v OFS="\t" '!a[$4""$5""$6""$11]++ && $11 ~ /[0-9]/{prot=$5;gsub("C","2a-left", prot);gsub("B","GRBP7-right", prot);print $4,prot,$6,$11}' GRBP7dis_CMV2a_model_3.cor.pdb >> CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt
#cut -f 2 CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt | sort | uniq -cd
#%s/ / /g
#%s/-/ /g
#%s/ / /g
CMV2a_GRBP7 <- read.csv("CMV2a_GRBP7dis.txt", header = T, sep = "\t")
GRBP7 <- CMV2a_GRBP7[!grepl("2a", CMV2a_GRBP7$Chain),]
CMV2a<- CMV2a_GRBP7[grepl("2a", CMV2a_GRBP7$Chain),]
CMV2a_plot <- ggplot(CMV2a, aes(x=PAA, y=pLDDT, color=Chain)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + ggtitle("pLDDT CMV A6 as monomer and heterodimer") +
theme_classic() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
GRBP7_plot <- ggplot(GRBP7, aes(x=PAA, y=pLDDT, color=Chain)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + ggtitle("pLDDT GRBP7 as monomer and heterodimer") +
theme_classic() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
### MobiDB MobiDB-lite # sources alphafold colors run coloraf
move sequence Set the mouse in editing mode.
Hold the shift key and put the mouse on any atom of the ligand. While holding the shift key, press the mouse wheel -
delete chain
show sequence set seq_view, 1
Composuitional bais, significant functional associations and protein disorder values : N Gropu members 58 Mean disorder (D) value 0.45, functions in Drosophila GO:0005634 [19]; nucleus (3 × 10-2) GO:0003729 [16]; mRNA binding (1 × 10-7) GO:0003723 [16]; RNA binding (1 × 10-11) Videos to Gif Filling models AlphaFill
Rosetta predictions, for 3a CMV movement protein
2b or Suppressor of silencing 2b dimer and tetramer soon to be published
Evidence of a novel viral membrane fusion mechanism shared by the Hepaci, Pegi and Pestiviruses , protein models