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Releases: Airspace-Encounter-Models/em-model-manned-bayes

OOP for Terminal + Uncor Speed Sampling

01 Oct 17:59
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  • Classdef for CorTerminalModel
  • RUN_terminal is an example RUN script demonstrating how to use the new CorTerminalModel class
  • aind2sub, discretize_bayes, hierarchical_discretize, setTransitionPriors are various functions to help sample the Bayesian networks


  • RUN_OOP renamed to RUN_uncor
  • Update primary with information about the correlated terminal model and to better distinguish it from the RADES-based correlated extended model
  • UncorEncounterModel/track sets minimum and maximum speed thresholds for rejection sampling based on the probability distribution of the speed bins, rather than the minimum and maximum speeds of the model structure. In release [2.0.0], the conventional uncorrelated models released in [1.3.0] had a maximum speed of 300 knots with a minimum speed of at least 30 knots for the fixed-wing models. The speed ranges for the different uncorrelated models are now the following:
Aircraft Type 1200-excluded 1200-only
Fixed-Wing Multi-Engine [120, 300] [90, 300]
Fixed-Wing Single Engine [60, 250] [60, 250]
Rotorcraft [30, 165] [30, 165]

October 2021 - Uncor OOP

01 Oct 17:52
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  • Classdef for EncounterModel superclass and UncorEncounterModel class
  • RUN_OOP is an example RUN script demonstrating how to use the new UncorEncounterModel class
  • IdentifyGeographicVariable to calculate the geographic domain variable, G


  • Update EncounterModelEvents with property validation functions
  • Update em_read to calculate bounds_initial and cutpoints_inital
  • Startup script add em-core to path
  • Various functions updated to use addParameter instead of addOptional when using the MATLAB input parser
  • .gitignore updated to ignore .png files in the output directory


  • None


  • End of line whitespace in ASCII files for boundaries parameters had extra whitespace leading to incorrect reading of data by em_read. This bug was introduced in 1.4.0 and previous versions were note effected.

July 2021 - Terminal Model and Improved Performance

19 Jul 16:09
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  • Correlated terminal encounter models based on terminal area radar or OpenSky Network processed tracks


  • Completely rewrote em_read so it no longer assumes a strict model structure with a specific set of model fields organized in a specific order
  • Changed inputs to em_sample, dbn_sample, dbn_hierarchical_sample to be a struct of model parameters instead of individual parameters. This improves flexibility and readability.
  • em_read now calls bn_sort and calculates variable order for initial and transition networks. Calculating these upfront significantly improves performance because bn_sort was a bottleneck.
  • Reorganized dbn_sample to minimize repeat function calls and calculations
  • dbn_sample now longer calls select_random because it was inefficiently adding overhead due to the multiple calls to rand and cumsum. This wasn't inefficient because cumsum(weights) don't change for the dynamic variables
  • More documentation on the terminal encounter model


  • em_read to use strfind instead of deprecated findstr when calculating the temporal map
  • em_read searches for t+1 and t-1 labels when creating the temporal map

March 2021 - OpenSky Updates

02 Mar 15:47
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  • Updated OpenSky models organized based on 1200 code
  • Added G = 5 (Canada) to OpenSky models
  • Added categorical variables to README
  • Added plot of geobounds for OpenSky models
  • Added short paragraph about terminal encounter model
  • Minor grammatical changes in README
  • Update copyright year to 2021

BSD-2 License

24 Sep 17:43
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Update to a more permissive BSD-2 license

Additional models added + minor updates

05 Aug 19:56
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  • OpenSky Network-based models added
  • Improved documentation regarding model use
  • Minor software updates
  • Added SPDX

Initial public release

14 May 14:46
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Initial add