For a country to develop we need to get to the root of the problems for the underdeveloped areas and solve them. The problem is that we do not know on which parameters we should focus in order to improve the living conditions for a particular area.
For example:-
A rural area may have brick houses but lacks in the supply of clean drinking water ,may have electricity but it failed to construct a proper drainage system.
In the first case we should focus on drinking water,in the second case we can build a drainage system for that area.
Also on the basis of this data we will use a suitable Classification Model to predict whether the area is underdeveloped or developed,if it is underdeveloped then on what factors we should focus on,to improve the living conditions for its community.
This analysis will list out factors that will help an organisation or the government to focus on those factors to improve the livelihood conditions for a particular rural area.
We will use the data from folllowing government websites:-
The bhiwani.csv file contains the file structure in the form of table for building the classifier model and its column are the factors that if focussed on can improve the living conditions of the rural areas.