$ npm install mundu-react-carousel --save
width: '100%', // width can be integer/pixel/percentage
maxWidth: 500, // maxWidth should be set for desktop and width for mobile
height: 360, // height is mandatory. All child maintaining this height is ideal
arrows: true, // show arrows
arrowSize: 15, // size of the arrow
arrowColor: 'white', // hash codes/rgba
extendedStyles: null, // expects js styles (object) for wrapper
className: null, // css class for wrapper
dots: true, // show dots(bool)
dotStyle: null, // js styles for dots
dotsClass: null, // className for dots wrapper
dotClass: null, // className for each dot
autoPlay: true, // enable/disable auto play
autoPlayDuration: 3000, // duration of a slide
onClick: (index) => {}, // gives the index of the current slide
swipePixels: 50, // sensitivity to swipe in px
slideTime: 300, // Time taken to slide in ms
rotateSlides: true, // set false to block the transition from end to start
onSlided: (index) => {}, // triggered when slide transition is completed
dotsWithArrows: true // shows arrows near the dots
import MunduCarousel from 'mundu-react-carousel';
<MunduCarousel maxWidth={500} height={350}>
<children1 />
<children2 />
<children3 />
Swipe will work on mobile browser or check mobile view in Chrome dev tools.
If images in slides are flickering after sliding. Set image file header Cache-Control: max-age=1535272 in your cdn or files server. Or host your images in https://imgur.com
Ajith Kumar VM (ajithkumarvm@gmail.com)