A cookbook web app I made to learn JavaScript and CSS.
Recipes are added through the app, which allows for any number of Ingredients and steps. It also allows for optional information such as time to complete, calories per serving, and how many servings the recipe makes. The main page displays a list of all the recipes in the database alongside how long it takes to complete (if an amount of time was provided). Ther eis also a search bar to search for recipes. Each recipe page displays ingredients, steps, an option to delete or edit the recipe, an option to include a note for the recipe, and a filereader to upload a picture for the recipe which is also displayed on the page. If calorie information was provided it is also displayed on the recipe page. Lastly there is a page where the user can select each recipe they plan to make which will then provide a list of all the ingredients to buy. If the user already has an ingredient or likes to check things off as they pick them up in the store, they can be checked and removed from the final list. There is also a mobile stylesheet.
Connection information will need to be added to header.php
Cookbook.sql included to set up the database