A business logic vulnerability exists in the Add to Cart function of itsourcecode Agri-Trading Online Shopping System 1.0, which allows remote attackers to manipulate the quant parameter when adding a product to the cart. By setting the quantity value to -0, an attacker can exploit a flaw in the application's total price calculation logic.This vulnerability causes the total price to be reduced to zero, allowing the attacker to add items to the cart and proceed to checkout.
Business Logic Vulnerability
Agri-Trading Online Shopping System - 1.0
The Add to Cart functionality in the index.php page of itsourcecode Agri-Trading Online Shopping System version 1.0 is vulnerable
- Set up the application locally
- Open a browser and go to URL http://localhost/teambam/index.php
- Click on the Sign Up button,register the account and login to the account
- Upon successful login to the home page, click on Add to Cart on anyone of the product
- Open the burpsuite and intercept the request and change the quant parameter value from 1 to -0. Forward the request and the item would be added to the cart.
- Navigate to the "Cart" section and the total price of the product would be dropped to 0 with the delivery fee of just Rs.150 and can successfully proceed to checkout to place the order