Architecture: Onion architecture in combination with Domain-Driven Design patterns
Implemented ideas:
- onion architecture + ddd;
- base centralized exceptions handling aproach;
- base unit tests;
- retry mechanics + partial response returning;
- openAPI support.
To Do:
- increase tests coverage (e.i. integration, project structure);
- add Docker support;
- use GitHub Actions;
- add tiny UI;
- CI/CD (code analyzers, test coverage, vulnerability check, deployment scripts and tools etc.).
End Points:
- GET: http://localhost:8092/v1/transactions?account_id={id} - return all transactions for 'account_id', multiple request parameter.
- POST: http://localhost:8092/v1/transactions - create new transaction linked to customer account - 'account_id'.
{"accountId":"9ff67ec7-8e46-42c5-b1f0-4d86484d466b","txType":"INITIAL","amount":100,"details":"Initial transaction request"}
Run Application (from service root):
- ./mvnw clean install
- ./mvnw spring-boot:run -rf :app
Linked services: